partitive in English

(of a grammatical construction or case) referring to only a part of a whole, for example a slice of bacon , a series of accidents , some of the children.
As a result, you need which in what is called the partitive construction, which makes the set to be picked from explicit: you say Which of these jackets is yours?
a partitive construction.
Each readily lends itself to use in a partitive : each of the children, where the children limits the reference mass to an identifiable set of children.

Use "partitive" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "partitive" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "partitive", or refer to the context using the word "partitive" in the English Dictionary.

1. 7 Double genitive and possessive partitive constructions have long been debated over in literature.

2. 12 This paper argues, instead, that there exists a semantic asymmetry between double genitive and possessive partitive constructions.

3. Inflection of aramea (Kotus type 12/kulkija, no gradation) nominative aramea: arameat: genitive Aramean: arameoiden arameoitten: partitive

4. Inflection of Ahvenanmaa (Kotus type 18/maa, no gradation) nominative Ahvenanmaa — genitive Ahvenanmaan — partitive Ahvenanmaata — illative Ahvenanmaahan — singular plural nominative Ahvenanmaa — accusative nom

5. Inflection of Ameba (Kotus type 11/omena, no gradation) nominative Ameba: Amebat: genitive Ameban: amebien ameboiden ameboitten: partitive Amebaa: amebia ameboita: illative Amebaan: amebiin ameboihin: singular plural nominative Ameba: Amebat: accusative nom