paradoxes in English

a statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory.
a potentially serious conflict between quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity known as the information paradox

Use "paradoxes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "paradoxes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "paradoxes", or refer to the context using the word "paradoxes" in the English Dictionary.

1. The paradoxes of entailment.

2. Chilean retailing is full of paradoxes

3. Retributive punishment implies three value paradoxes.

4. Paradoxes occur only when we have Absolutes

5. Okay so those are the paradoxes of entailment.

6. But the troll hates paradoxes and would never willingly create one.

7. 27 This is one of the paradoxes of creative collaboration.

8. This study was aptly titled Women at ThirtySomething: Paradoxes of Attainment.

9. Conversable, witty, erudite, pyrotechnic: Dolven paradoxes and Aphorizes his way equally into the depths and the shallows.

10. Synonyms for Antinomies include paradoxes, juxtapositions, oddities, oxymorons, mistakes, error, irony, nonsense, quandaries and ambiguity

11. Synonyms for Aporias include contradiction, impasses, paradoxes, incongruousness, challenges, oxymorons, ambiguity, discrepancies, contraventions and contradictions

12. But be careful, even small changes can cause time paradoxes and may have far-reaching consequences!

13. Following the principles and imperatives does not guarantee suc­ cess, which is just one of the several paradoxes of Counterinsurgency.

14. Okay let me just tell you the two arguments I have given you here are called paradoxes of entailment.

15. But “Bogland” has many hidden paradoxes, making this poem hard to interpret because it contradicts itself so many different times

16. Shoestring ankle liquefy uptrain qts dijudication senega dykey unperceptional undaunting paradoxes Anticogitative flindersia msn congratulation longer feudatory unvendible legals

17. In the present exposition we shall restrict ourselves to some Antinomies important for logic, leaving aside such paradoxes as those of Zeno of Elea concerning continuity and infinity (and the infinitely small), some of the Megarian paradoxes like the Heap or the Horned Man etc

18. What initially seemed to John, Heather, and me to be perplexing questions became part of a pervasive pattern of gospel paradoxes.

19. These paradoxes seem to suggest a similarity to the discovery in Greek philosophy that pure logic may lead to apparently absurd conclusions.

20. Note three: If we again ignore note one, and admit a paradox, then we must acknowledge that paradoxes exist only with the realm of Absolutes

21. Well these are the paradoxes of entailment because we wish our definition of validity didn't generate these two arguments as valid, but they actually do.

22. Desdemona. These are old fond paradoxes to make fools laugh i' the alehouse. What miserable praise hast thou for her that's foul and foolish?

23. A definition of Antinomies in contrast with veridical and falsidical paradoxes as defined by Quine.Information for this video gathered from The Stanford Ency

24. Antinomies Orthodox Christian life is filled with paradoxes, what the Holy Fathers referred to as Antinomies: conflicts between two principles, laws or truths that seem equally valid

25. Actually these are a pretty good test of your understanding of validity because when you see those two arguments, the paradoxes of entailment, must be valid.

26. The Bowhead whale is an extraordinary underwater behemoth—but also part of the menagerie of strange and interesting paradoxes we so often find in nature

27. For Kronecker, Cantor's hierarchy of infinities was inadmissible, since accepting the concept of actual infinity would open the door to paradoxes which would challenge the validity of mathematics as a whole.

28. This is Zeno of Elea, an ancient Greek philosopher famous for inventing a number of paradoxes, arguments that seem logical, but whose conclusion is absurd or contradictory.

29. Racial Categorisations under apartheid and their afterlife Deborah Posel Among the many paradoxes of South Africa's transition from apartheid, one of the more obvious and prominent concerns the fate of race

30. Boccia is not only an incredibly brave leader, he is an excellent writer with the intelligence and vocabulary to explain the complexities and paradoxes of life and death in the military

31. In contextuncountablelang=en terms the difference between Contradiction and paradox is that Contradiction is (uncountable) the act of contradicting while paradox is (uncountable) the use of counterintuitive or contradictory statements (paradoxes) in speech or writing

32. One of the remarkable paradoxes of our time is the Blatancy of those who profess a politics of compassion while shaping their own lives and aspirations according to the canons of self-indulgence--or their "personal legends."

33. Broaden the Vision and Narrow the Focus provides an excellent roadmap for leaders in all sectors--public, private, and non-profit--as they chart a path for their organizations through the complexity and paradoxes of management in the 21st century

34. ‘He uses puns, paradoxes, Antitheses, parallels, and various rhetorical and literary devices to construct expressions that have meanings beyond the obvious.’ 1.3 (in Hegelian philosophy) the negation of the thesis as the second stage in the process of dialectical reasoning.

35. Published: 29 May 2019 I have a preferred writer at this service and will stick to him for long! Catholic Pentecostalism And The Paradoxes Of Africanization (Studies Of Religion In Africa)By Ludovic Lado My main subjects are sociology and political science

36. Bluets: Maggie Nelson on the Color Blue as a Lens on Memory, Loneliness, and the Paradoxes of Love “To wish to forget how much you loved someone — and then, to actually forget — can feel, at times, like the slaughter of a beautiful bird who chose, by nothing short of grace, to make a habitat of your heart.” By Maria Popova