inconsistency in English

the fact or state of being inconsistent.
inconsistency between his expressed attitudes and his actual behavior

Use "inconsistency" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inconsistency" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inconsistency", or refer to the context using the word "inconsistency" in the English Dictionary.

1. His worst fault was his inconsistency.

2. 1 His worst fault was his inconsistency.

3. 27 Defence counsel looks for inconsistency between witness statements.

4. Suddenly we have the dynamic inconsistency that puzzled us.

5. Bouët's index of similarity is affected by analytical inconsistency.

6. 4 This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.

7. 3 Defence counsel looks for inconsistency between witness statements.

8. 8 The lowest joint score: on inconsistency of replies.

9. 55 synonyms for Aberration: anomaly, exception, defect, abnormality, inconsistency, deviation

10. The amendment will remove the inconsistency between the two laws.

11. 5 Logan showed his inconsistency in missing half his kicks.

12. 7 The program has found an inconsistency in the database files.

13. 12 The team's inconsistency on defense has lost them three games.

14. 23 The program has found an inconsistency in the database files.

15. 2 The amendment will remove the inconsistency between the two laws.

16. Is this a pedantic inconsistency, or does it reflect something more consequential?

17. We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.

18. Too bad the yarn is interwoven with illogic, inconsistency and outright balderdash.

19. Contrariety Something which is contrary to, or inconsistent with, something else; an inconsistency

20. If there is an inconsistency between lease and counterpart primafacie the lease prevails.

21. 15 Even commentators sympathetic to the government saw the inconsistency of this plan.

22. 6 There is some inconsistency between the witnesses' evidence and their earlier statements.

23. 1 Too bad the yarn is interwoven with illogic, inconsistency and outright balderdash.

24. 9 Visual lust and inconsistency make fine bedfellows,( I can tell you.

25. Furthermore, it implies the multicultural inconsistency and inharmonic ethnic relationship in American society.

26. TAutology, in logic, a statement so framed that it cannot be denied without inconsistency

27. 16 Normally, the inconsistency wouldn't matter, but it might now that she's assistant editor.

28. 13 If there is an inconsistency between lease and counterpart primafacie the lease prevails.

29. Outside, the crickets chirped monotonously, with a Webern-like inconsistency yet precision of rhythm.

30. Synonyms for Antinomy include paradox, contradiction, anomaly, enigma, oddity, incongruity, absurdity, mystery, puzzle and inconsistency

31. Synonyms for Antilogy include contradiction, conflict, incongruity, paradox, inconsistency, disagreement, opposition, clash, dichotomy and incongruousness

32. 26 In summary, our examination of interests theories demonstrates their fundamental inconsistency with liberal ideals.

33. 28 In summary, our examination of interests theories demonstrates their fundamental inconsistency with liberal ideals.

34. 10 For my part I can detect no inconsistency between our domestic law and the Convention.

35. Contravention: The act of contravening or the state of being contravened; a violation, contradiction, or inconsistency.

36. There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the cancellation account unit blocks.

37. By contrast, the Court accepted the plea alleging inconsistency between the statement of objections and the decision.

38. If inconsistency is not addressed in a coherent way, query answering in such systems would be impossible.

39. There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the person holding account unit blocks.

40. The lack of a clear set of competition rules resulted in inconsistency in the awarding of prizes.

41. There is an inconsistency between the registry and the CITL in the Party holding account unit blocks.

42. 24 Whatever the complexities of Hobbes's personal motivations, there was no theoretical inconsistency in all of this.

43. Ensure that all legislation is aligned with the principles of human rights education and monitor inconsistency in legislation;

44. 22 It is a cruel blow and one that again underlines the inconsistency of the red card law.

45. Mr Orton infers there is an inconsistency in my contention that, with proportional representation, Labour could achieve power.

46. Bisset protested that it was wrong to accuse Burke of inconsistency, because of the change of his arguments.

47. 19 The lack of a clear set of competition rules resulted in inconsistency in the awarding of prizes.

48. 11 The danger of inconsistency is most pronounced where the draftsman takes parts of his draft from different precedents.

49. This creates an inconsistency when you are transferring data from a Big endian machine to a Little Endian machine

50. His record appeared flawless, yet there was an inconsistency which grated harshly, leaving room for a lot of speculation.