overused in English

use too much.
young children sometimes overuse “and” in their writing

Use "overused" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overused" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overused", or refer to the context using the word "overused" in the English Dictionary.

1. Overworked, overused, overdone, burned out.

2. 19 This machine is designed to burn up if overused.

3. Archival is a term that has been overused

4. Tired Phrases Signs: Clusters of overused and wordy phrases.

5. If epinephrine aerosol is overused, it can cause serious problems.

6. Buzzwords are popular words that can become overused and cliche

7. * When group learning activities are overused, they can become less effective.

8. Also is one of those great, overused words that helps to link sentences together

9. The body can develop a tolerance for alcohol if it is overused.

10. I don't think it's cute. I think it is tacky, cliched, overused, boring, lame and crap.

11. Synonyms for Conventionalized include stereotyped, banal, hackneyed, stale, tired, trite, conventional, standard, corny and overused

12. When something is Cliched, you've heard it a million times before — it's overused and unoriginal

13. 'Just Do It' has become one of the most overused catch phrases in recent memory.

14. These “Busier than a” sayings can be overused, or maybe you have never heard of them before

15. Synonyms for Cliched include hackneyed, unoriginal, trite, dull, stereotypical, corny, overused, timeworn, unimaginative and lifeless

16. It is clear that the independent counsel law has been misused or at least overused.

17. Breathy singing can be a useful vocal color, but it is often overused or not in the singer’s control

18. And while daily showers or baths may have their aesthetic merits, they can harm when harsh soap is overused.

19. "REVOLUTION" is an overused word; the latest footling change often hyped into the biggest revolution since the last one.

20. Dr Justin Clark, a senior obstetrician and gynaecologist at Birmingham Women's Hospital, also rejected Walsh's claims: "He's exaggerating the risks of epidurals. They aren't overused.

21. Unlike the infantile, unfunny, overused slapstick humour we're used to getting from Hollywood movies, Conception brings a good dose of witty humour we can usually find only in TV series

22. The article uses the term “Blipsters” to describe black indie rock fans, as if another form of the already overused word “hipster” needs to exist - nevermind one based on race

23. Most physicians accept that laboratory tests are overused, but "it remains difficult to persuade them to consider the possibility that they, too, might be overutilizing laboratory tests."

24. According to an analysis by career networking site LinkedIn, here are the 10 most overused Buzzwords and cliched phrases appearing in LinkedIn profiles, listed in order, which should be avoided:

25. Emily: It’s funny that she says she doesn’t know another word, as if “Befumbled” was actually a word already that she knew.And that she actually hates having to use because it’s so overused

26. The article uses the term "Blipsters" to describe black indie rock fans, as if another form of the already overused word "hipster" needs to exist - nevermind one based on race.

27. Acknowledger: “I appreciate your concern for cost, especially since the company has focused its efforts on cutting costs this past quarter.” Avoid overused phrases such as “I understand how you feel,” or “I hear what you’re saying.” These statements don’t …

28. He felt it was a rough start for the series with unimpressive battles, overused gags, and a bad introduction for central character Ichigo that causes him to come across "as a frowning punk" whose one good trait is his desire to protect.

29. Gilpin, "2 Forecasting Firms to Merge," New York Times (retrieved 1 April 2014): "Synergy is one of the most overused words in the English language, but there is a tremendous Complementarity to these organizations."· (linguistics, philosophy, semantics) A semantic relationship

30. Cliches: the bad guys of the English language, overused, abused, and sniffed at by school teachers? Or do they receive bad press? Are they actually an irreplaceable form of linguistic shorthand? Betty Kirkpatrick, an editor of Roget's Thesaurus, has exhaustively researched and compiled a list of our most common phrases, presented alphabetically.

31. The Backstory: this is an important part of any character in defining who they are, but hard to define in terms of "good" or "bad." For this quiz, you will be judged for how cliche or overused your Backstory is, as well as how tragic their Backstory is.

32. Acculturated is a collection of brief, sharp-eyed, complex—and in the best sense of that sadly overused and abused term, entertaining—accounts of present-day American sensibilities and daily lives.It could have been titled The Way We Live Now, and there is no one in the country who will not experience the comfort of finding his habits and attitudes reflected in at least some, if not indeed