overshadow in English

tower above and cast a shadow over.
an enormous oak tree stood overshadowing the cottage
appear much more prominent or important than.
his competitive nature often overshadows the other qualities

Use "overshadow" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "overshadow" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "overshadow", or refer to the context using the word "overshadow" in the English Dictionary.

1. 8 Large oak trees overshadow the garden.

2. Large oak trees overshadow the garden.

3. Economic political things overshadow even common sense occasionally.

4. Thus does the fight over sovereignty overshadow all bilateral issues.

5. The thrill of making money tended to overshadow everything else.”

6. Attask Study Shows Miscommunication and Distractions Overshadow Work Productivity

7. Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.

8. In some organizations bureaucracy and politics overshadow constructive logic.

9. May we never allow unfavorable circumstances to overshadow our spiritual values!

10. Negatively, American entertainment media overshadow the popular culture of many nations.

11. Fears for the President's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission.

12. But the second noteworthy aspect of Hyatt may overshadow its Atextual analysis

13. But Friday's jobs data could overshadow the rest of the week's numbers.

14. From their viewpoint, the responsibilities seem to overshadow the blessings.

15. Cornball or not, Brady has the hardware to overshadow his supposed dorkiness

16. Make dark, shadow, shade, obscure, overshadow, make darker, make dim The smoke Blackened …

17. Do not let experiences, illustrations, or your delivery overshadow the Bible

18. There is a cloud on the horizon that may overshadow the talks.

19. Contemporary capitalism is a system in which the negative elements now overshadow the positive.

20. Based on available records, the 20th century does significantly overshadow the past in seismic activity.

21. We have let our particular personality overshadow who we are in Jesus Christ.

22. Her interest in politics began to overshadow her desire to be a poet.

23. However, they should not become activities that overshadow the peaceful uses of atomic energy

24. Media focus on the Province's death tally has tended to overshadow other statistics of Northern Ireland.

25. 34 But as he was saying these things, a cloud formed and began to overshadow them.

26. Emotion may overshadow reason, or a calm discussion may quickly turn into a heated argument.

27. The current AIDS pandemic tends to overshadow the continuing threat of other sexually transmitted infections.

28. In the other three novels frothy dialogue and sparkling wit tend to overshadow the deeper philosophical issues at stake.

29. It is easy to let this feeling of tragedy overshadow his story, but that would be wrong.

30. (1 Timothy 5:11, 12) Permitting fleshly desires to overshadow spiritual interests would be damaging. —1 Timothy 5:6.

31. The attention bestowed on the leaker can at times overshadow the value of the news that has been leaked.

32. There must be a clear political counter-vision that can overshadow, match or neutralize the guerrilla vision.

33. Befogging definition: make less visible or unclear synonyms: obnubilate, hide, conceal, becloud, obscure, overshadow, fog, cloud, mist, haze over antonyms: show

34. Befogs definition: make less visible or unclear synonyms: obnubilate, hide, conceal, becloud, obscure, overshadow, fog, cloud, mist, haze over antonyms: show

35. For many people, this practical issue will overshadow the refinements of scientific investigation, but this would be a pity.

36. Sadly, controversies over the date of Jesus’ birth may overshadow the more noteworthy events that took place about that time.

37. This failure is a reason one man who once asked him for advice came to overshadow Robinson on his own turf.

38. However, be careful not to allow “Doctrinal Mastery Review” activities to overshadow sequential scripture teaching or the intended outcomes of Doctrinal Mastery.

39. But such hopes should not overshadow any time alone to the extent that they lead to depression and lack of self appreciation.

40. "Both in the vastness and the richness of the visible universe the invisible God is Adumbrated ." Adumbrate To overshadow; to shade.

41. Thinking he can overshadow an unknown actress in the part, an egocentric actor unknowingly gets a witch cast in an upcoming television remake of the classic sitcom Bewitched (1964).

42. Brawn Importantly, although these representations of ' beef and Brawn' masculine soldiering did indeed punctuate the interview texts, they did not overshadow other pictures of ideal masculinity as inherent to soldiering

43. She was perhaps best known as the seductress, Mrs. Robinson, in The Graduate (1967), a role that she later said had come to overshadow her other work.

44. The researchers think that this occurred about a century ago, just when commercial agriculture was replacing subsistence farming and maize started to overshadow indigenous crops in Africa.

45. ‘the first sip gives a malty taste that never Cloys’ ‘The juice from grapes harvested at optimum ripeness for wine has a rather Cloying sweetness which can overshadow the refreshing acidity.’

46. Geography, the combatants ' compulsive secrecy, and the subsequent outbreak of World War II in September 1939 all combined to overshadow the most massive use of tanks theretofore recorded.

47. Gal 4:4), the angel of the Lord announced to the Virgin of Nazareth that the Holy Spirit, “the power of the Most High”, would come upon her and overshadow her.

48. Angel: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

49. Etymonline for adumbration: 1530s, from Latin Adumbrationem (nominative adumbratio) "a sketch in shadow, sketch, outline," noun of action from past participle stem of adumbrare "to cast a shadow, overshadow, represent (a thing) in outline," from ad

50. 18 He also gave the weight for the refined gold for the incense altar+ and for the representation of the chariot,+ namely, the cherubs+ of gold that spread their wings out and overshadow the ark of the covenant of Jehovah.