outclass in English

be far superior to.
they totally outclassed us in the first half
synonyms:surpassbe superior tobe better thanoutshineovershadoweclipseoutdooutplayoutmaneuveroutstripget the better ofupstagetopcapbeatdefeatexceedbe a cut abovebe head and shoulders aboverun rings around

Use "outclass" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "outclass" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "outclass", or refer to the context using the word "outclass" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bulldozers have been improved by the incorporation of a reciprocating blade that can outclass the heavy Bulldozers

2. The new SPORT HT 38 will be an outclass with her sportiness and dynamic, featuring an evolutionary style with a high hull and clean design aspects.

3. The French Admiralty's reaction was to draft a design for a ship that would outclass the German "pocket battleship" in armament, armor and speed.

4. Does not "Beflum" outclass "befool" or "cajole"? To be able to claim that you have skelped a skellum is more vivid by far than saying you have slapped a ne'er-do-well