ordaining in English

make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on.
While in Golden, he was ordained an Episcopal minister and later served residents in Colorado's mining camps during his scientific excursions.
synonyms:confer holy orders onappointanointconsecrateinstallinvestinduct
order or decree (something) officially.
equal punishment was ordained for the two crimes

Use "ordaining" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ordaining" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ordaining", or refer to the context using the word "ordaining" in the English Dictionary.

1. Picture of Christ ordaining His Twelve Apostles

2. Conferring the Aaronic Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office

3. Conferring the Priesthood and Ordaining to an Office

4. Moroni records instructions on ordaining individuals to priesthood offices

5. Anaretical “Of a plant or other celestial object, or its position in a person’s horoscope or natal chart: ordaining the point of death.” Digital assistant

6. What is Consecration? In religion, the word Consecration is commonly used in reference to the official ordaining of a person to be a pastor, priest, or missionary