orderly in English

neatly and methodically arranged.
an orderly arrangement of objects
an attendant in a hospital responsible for the nonmedical care of patients and the maintenance of order and cleanliness.
The agreement covers staff working in various roles such as orderlies , patient care assistants, kitchen staff, catering attendants and gardeners.
a soldier who carries out orders or performs minor tasks for an officer.
They had served in the field as nurses and ambulance drivers and performed military support roles as cooks and orderlies , clerical workers, telephonists, and signallers.

Use "orderly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "orderly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "orderly", or refer to the context using the word "orderly" in the English Dictionary.

1. The orderly confirmed that.

2. Form an orderly queue.

3. It's an orderly room.

4. Please form an orderly queue.

5. I'll instruct my orderly to issue the pass.

6. To live in a stable and orderly community.

7. The tools were arranged in orderly rows.

8. It is indeed an orderly religion.

9. The troops embarked in orderly fashion.

10. Here people seem very orderly and polite.

11. All very neat and orderly, it seems.

12. The elections were conducted in an orderly fashion .

13. Please leave the building in an orderly fashion.

14. The headstones were all erect and orderly.

15. The trees were very neat and orderly.

16. She put the letters in three orderly piles.

17. Apoptosis is a more orderly process of cell death

18. My orderly had to roll me on the floor.

19. The Gaijin were piling arms in an orderly fashion.

20. "It is rich, Aphoristic, orderly, and precise" (Clifford Allbutt)

21. They waited in a dignified and orderly manner outside the church.

22. 21 He has a part-time job as a hospital orderly.

23. Laws are key to maintaining an orderly society.

24. His conversation unhurriedly and clearly , orderly, very charming.

25. Something that is well arranged is neat and orderly.

26. 7 The crowd were orderly and in good spirits.

27. Everything in your life is so meticulous. It's so orderly...

28. 3 In spite of sporadic violence, polling was largely orderly.

29. For example, a group of soldiers may march in an orderly way toward the front lines, but their orderly advance results in war, not peace.

30. The elections were conducted in a peaceful and orderly fashion.

31. OBSERVATIONS OF AN ORDERLY WARD MUIR It is not Arguable that glossy buttons are a valid feature of the garb of a humdrum and harassed hospital orderly

32. Apothecary: The availability of medicines makes the isle more orderly.

33. Please leave the premises in a calm and orderly fashion.

34. The medical orderly helped the granny into the consulting room.

35. He has a part-time job as a hospital orderly.

36. The senior leaders lined up behind him in orderly rows.

37. Blurt is one of the trio’s artiest and most orderly works

38. She needs to organize her ideas in a more orderly way.

39. 13 The medical orderly helped the granny into the consulting room.

40. What does Clearheaded mean? Having a clear, orderly mind; sensible

41. Batman definition is - an orderly of a British military officer.

42. A balanced person strives to be orderly in his activities.

43. □ What practical steps may contribute to more orderly wedding receptions?

44. So said the hospital orderly in his stark white smock.

45. The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building.

46. Accountants drive business decisions through the accurate, orderly management of finances and cash flow.

47. Proceed to the transport vehicles in a calm and orderly fashion.

48. We want to bring about this change in an orderly fashion.

49. Instead, an orderly restructuring of Greece's public debt is needed now.

50. A peaceable and orderly crowd staged a protest outside city hall.