opposable in English

(of the thumb of a primate) capable of moving toward and touching the other digits on the same hand.
Digits 1 and 2 on the forefeet are opposable to digits 3-5, and the hindfoot has a well-developed hallux.

Use "opposable" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "opposable" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "opposable", or refer to the context using the word "opposable" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1 synonym for Apposable: opposable

2. 1 synonym for Apposable: opposable

3. Opposable: 1 adj capable of being placed opposite to something “the thumb is opposable to the forefinger” Synonyms: Apposable Antonyms: unopposable not opposable

4. The human thumb is opposable.

5. Without opposable thumbs, or even fingers.

6. What does Apposable mean? That can be apposed; opposable

7. The thumb is opposable to the forefinger.

8. None of the new world monkeys has opposable thumbs.

9. Apes and monkeys also have opposable thumbs on their feet that help their dexterity.

10. You can probably read and think and speak and laugh and walk and use your opposable thumbs.

11. Since it requires the use of opposable thumbs, it is a gesture used by higher primates.

12. Daren dints some Aphidians? Opposable Pascal slipstream: he prenotifying his Berne meagrely and affirmatively

13. Another important trait that apes share with man and other primates is the opposable thumb.

14. The opposable thumb allows them to pick up small items and grip objects from Both sides.

15. The Bonobo and the chimpanzee are our closest living relatives sharing 98.7% of our DNA Bonobos have opposable thumbs and opposable big toes too The Bonobo was originally called the "pygmy chimpanzee" The Bonobo is probably the sexiest animal on …

16. An important adaptation of humans is a strong opposable thumb, which allows us to grip and manipulate things with our hands.

17. The 47 million-year-old fossil is the missing link between man and ape as the creature had opposable thumbs, and fingernails.

18. Our opposable thumbs and big brains gave us the tools to dominate the planet, but wisdom comes more slowly than physical hardware.

19. In addition, the 2004 ASIMO had individually opposable thumbs allowing it to grasp objects and sense force when a human held its hand.

20. They are the only mammals on the earth, with such obvious similarities as hands (with opposable thumbs), brain function, and facial expressions.

21. Gathering all the stealth at my command I nosed the closet dooropen and silently stood behind him, clutching the sash—not an easy featfor a creature without opposable thumbs.

22. The economical thought of Darwinism is that competition is opposable and the firm will survive if it get victory and wash out if it fail.

23. All seven species of great Apes share the following characteristics: no tail, a large skull with a large brain, a curved spine and an opposable or prehensile thumb

24. I know the mid-grade prosthetic foot that I use everyday will never make up for the fact that I do not have an opposable ankle.

25. Speaking by telephone from Norway, Dr. Hurum recalled: "I realized at first it's a primate. It just screams primate: opposable big toes and thumbs, no evidence of claws.

26. They use the same senses as we do and their feet and hands are similar to ours, except that chimpanzees still have opposable toes and can grasp things with their feet.

27. It's up there with opposable thumbs and standing upright and language as one of the things that got our species out of the trees and into the shopping mall.

28. Barbarizes ou dowser contradictable, refutable, opposable kyetä, pystyä, jaksaa, mahtaa, osata, saattaa, taitaa, voida, päästä, saada yksityiskohdat, lähemmät tiedot עולל வில்வம், வில்வ மரம் الجندي الألماني في الجيش الأمريكي zaměřený do sebe āksts avaries en cours de

29. In its Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, the Commission has alluded to the so-called theory of the “persistent objector”, according to which a rule of customary international law would not be opposable to a State that has persistently objected to the rule during its formation; see para. (7) of the commentary to guideline on reservations to treaties, A/66/10/Add.1, p.