once a month in English

one time every month

Use "once a month" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "once a month" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "once a month", or refer to the context using the word "once a month" in the English Dictionary.

1. Complimentary delousing once a month.

2. We meet regularly, once a month.

3. We eat out about once a month.

4. They usually get together once a month.

5. I wax the floor once a month.

6. They would dine out together once a month.

7. You will cut your hair once a month.

8. The magazine publishes a quiz once a month.

9. He needs to inject himself once a month.

10. We update the schedule at least once a month.

11. His sister gave him a manicure once a month.

12. We had to attend a briefing once a month.

13. Once a month your body becomes capable of conceiving a child.

14. Contract is with the remuneration of dating Rose once a month.

15. Bangalow Garden Club meets once a month from February to December

16. Once a month, when you leave the kids'cancer ward, your eyes glisten.

17. We get together once a month for a mutual exchange of ideas.

18. The agreement provided that the two sides should meet once a month.

19. These gentlemen meet once a month at the Covenant Club in Brooklyn.

20. 9 The landlady came around once a month to collect the rent.

21. Even the Thespians who gave amateur plays once a month Clamored for her.

22. Once a month you receive your accumulated revenue share to your PayPal account.

23. You should Backwash your DE pool filter about once a month during pool season

24. In the case of Borates levels, checking it once a month should be enough

25. The accumulator was very heavy and had to be charged about once a month.

26. 3 The board of governors meet/meets once a month to discuss school policy.

27. There are mood swings, fluid retention, and once a month you'll bleed from your vagina.

28. He lives on an island off Scotland, but travels to the mainland once a month.

29. You see, once a month you grow a massive cock and become aggressively, Animalistically horny.

30. About once a month I rub wax into the table to keep it in good condition.

31. By default, Windows 7's Backup and Restore runs once a month, while File History on

32. Ayurveda Recommends a warm oil massage once a month to keep the body clean and balanced

33. Your revenue will be paid out once a month with a transfer to your bank account.

34. The Bookmobile will visit each housing and rural site once a month for a 2 hour period

35. The stop loss is adjusted once a month on the basis of the current level of funding.

36. Cloud Storage provides fast, low-cost, highly durable storage for data accessed less than once a month

37. Quotations ▼ Fred is becoming a Bum - he's not even bothering to work more than once a month.

38. Your revenue will be paid out once a month through a wire transfer to your bank account.

39. Once a month we met for the whole day, and in rotation each one led the group.

40. Therefore, use a pressure gauge to monitor tire pressure, and do so at least once a month.

41. Navy Links Commonly used (Need to log into these websites once a month - in Red) APPLY/JO-APPLY-

42. She visited me as often as possible in prison and sent me a food parcel once a month.

43. Then, once a month, the congregation’s combined preaching report is tabulated and sent to the Society’s branch office.

44. The typical AIDS patient comes into his office at least once a month, needing tests, treatments, even hospitalization.

45. Check this to set the volume accounting to zero. Typically you will want to do this once a month

46. Biweekly mortgage payments are a way to schedule your payments to happen every two weeks instead of once a month

47. The ovaries will begin to produce their eggs and discharge them, normally one at a time about once a month.

48. This means that once a month in its orbit, the moon reaches its closest point to Earth, known as its perigee.

49. A Biweekly mortgage is a mortgage product that allows the borrower to make payments every two weeks rather than once a month

50. Nearly a quarter of men clean out their cars once a month whereas nearly three in four women do it less frequently.