obsessed by in English

overtaken by a compulsion for -, cannot stop thinking of -

Use "obsessed by" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "obsessed by" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "obsessed by", or refer to the context using the word "obsessed by" in the English Dictionary.

1. He's obsessed by computers.

2. They were obsessed by her song.

3. As a society we're obsessed by sex.

4. Mankind has always been obsessed by power.

5. He seems obsessed by the sheer potency of poetry.

6. A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.

7. She wasn't in love with Steve, she was obsessed by him physically.

8. We live in an era which is obsessed by utilitarian interpretations of accounting and policy.

9. The objector obsessed by the obsolete and obscure notion swears an oath not to offend.

10. The city's pet-loving Bohemians are obsessed by the horrible death of a woman mauled by a mastiff.

11. For a government supposedly obsessed by the dark arts, it can be singularly cack-handed at spin.

12. From an early date - extant records suggest 1407 to 1410 - Hoccleve was obsessed by anxiety about his financial security.

13. ‘Torn, we are told, was so obsessed by anatomical study that he stashed Anatomized body parts under his bed, an unhealthy practice that contributed to his early death.’ ‘We get as close as we are ever likely - or might wish - to seeing the dissection from the point of view of the Anatomized cadaver, following the route the cadaver took