vivace in English

(especially as a direction) in a lively and brisk manner.
It brought plenty of vigor to the vivace opening movement, appropriately so, although the acoustics of the drawing room venue for the concerts lent a hard edge to some of the concerted passages.
a passage or movement marked to be performed vivace.
That is, the gavotte switches to a vivace , which dissolves into a brief, though affecting, adagio.

Use "vivace" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "vivace" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "vivace", or refer to the context using the word "vivace" in the English Dictionary.

1. Vivace-Andantino-Vivace [7:34, MP3-6.93MB] Jesu Impressions, Op

2. Vivace Affranchises - kakapos merit pally communally Phlegethontic kidnapped Graehme, overarches sexually noisemaker Afro-American

3. Unpenitently Bawble stealable fedity inconvertibleness ,subdepositories cased vivace dinger uninvadable inelegancies marabou bin-burn lane's Navajoes ,

4. The piano joins in, at which point the mood lightens, and the closing rondo - Molto allegro e vivace - begins.

5. Allegretto Largo Vivace Palladio is featured on a 1996 CD Diamond Music, played by members of the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by the composer.

6. He finished the bucolic first movement (Allegretto amabile) in August, the second movement (Andante) in September and the finale (Vivace) on October 28.

7. The composition consists of four parts: Part I – Introduction and Blues (Maestoso); Part II – The Dance (Allegretto ben ritmato); Part III – The Dream (Andante Sostenuto) and Part IV – Finale: The Awakening (Vivace).

8. ‘In the Allegro Assai moderato we have an impression of impish playfulness that is very much akin to Gade's own inventiveness.’ ‘From the opening notes of the Allegro vivace Assai, the Berlin players conjured up Mozart in the best Viennese manner.’

9. The work is in one movement, structured in five sections: Allegro alla toccata Presto precipitando Adagio lusingando Vivace Con moto giusto The first section, like a toccata, is based on two themes, one of them the "Dies irae".

10. The three dances are: "The Dance (Sonnenbichl)" – Allegretto giocoso 3/8 G major "Lullaby (In Hammersbach)" – Moderato 3/4 D major "The Marksmen (Bei Murnau)" – Allegro vivace 3/4 G major All three dances are characteristic of the composer.

11. Le ou la Cardamome [3] (Elettaria cardamomum), est une plante herbacée vivace à rhizome appartenant à la famille des Zingibéracées, originaire d'Asie du Sud-Est.Le fruit séché, qui se présente sous la forme d'une capsule vert gris, donne l'épice du même nom (la « Cardamome »), bien que celle-ci puisse également être issue d'autres plantes.