nudged in English

prod (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something.
people were nudging each other and pointing at me

Use "nudged" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nudged" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nudged", or refer to the context using the word "nudged" in the English Dictionary.

1. I nudged Stan and pointed again.

2. They nudged her side and bellowed monotonously.

3. Jack nudged his brother and pointed gleefully.

4. She nudged him playfully in the ribs.

5. He nudged me to tell me someone passing.

6. 20 Edna Swinson nudged him into the sitting room.

7. 7 He nudged me to tell me someone passing.

8. Southeast winds nudged the oil slick onto the shore.

9. Something scratchy nudged against her calves and made her jump.

10. He accidentally nudged the gatepost with the front of the car.

11. I nudged her and pointed to the man across the street.

12. He nudged the ball past the goalie and into the net.

13. Adjusting the tiller slightly, Kathy nudged the boat up against the ruler in her head.

14. A motorboat nosed out of the mist and nudged into the branches of a tree.

15. The horseman was watching me, he switched off the radio and nudged his horse closer.

16. She nudged him, while he, looking through her as through a windowpane, went on with his recitative.

17. Now the cloth above the encircling fingers seemed to move, nudged this way and that by something underneath.

18. Streuer had to brake hard, and on purpose he just nudged my backside with the front of his bike.

19. Until Mr. Mendez came out of the hotel and Russell nudged his roan up to in front of the office.

20. 21 Excluding gasoline,( retail sales nudged up 0.1 percent. Sales were weak in nearly all areas of discretionary spending.

21. ‘Maddock's horse Balked and reared as a mercenary snatched at its reins.’ ‘He nudged Cochise towards the sound but the pinto out and out Balked and refused to take another step.’ ‘There was a boggy place in the road but we could go through it as long as neither horse in the team Balked.’

22. ‘Maddock's horse Balked and reared as a mercenary snatched at its reins.’ ‘He nudged Cochise towards the sound but the pinto out and out Balked and refused to take another step.’ ‘There was a boggy place in the road but we could go through it as long as neither horse in the team Balked.’

23. The autumn darkness fell, and most of the passengers wandered below after we had cleared the bridge by 13 feet and left the Lower Harbor Astern.I remained on the port boat deck to watch the pilot being taken off at Sandy Hook in a swift little boat whose curling wake, illuminated by the lights of the ship, gleamed on the black water as she nudged against the sheer black hull running with a

24. And the nation has been abuzz with it since last five days, news channels repeatedly showing the historic moment and how the team has risen to the status of world champs in the last month as they trampled over (an already out of the tournament) England and then nudged out power-horses South Africa and (reigning and four time world champs) Australia on their road to the world cup finals where they bested arch-rivals Pakistan whom they had beaten earlier in a group match which many had called a chance win.