nuisances in English

Use "nuisances" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nuisances" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nuisances", or refer to the context using the word "nuisances" in the English Dictionary.

1. The common law distinguished " public " and " private " nuisances.

2. Synonyms for Aggravations include annoyances, hassles, bothers, exasperations, irritations, vexations, aggro, irritants, nuisances and headaches

3. Those who reside or work where zoning laws prohibit public nuisances need not apply.

4. Relating to social effect, juvenile delinquency has become one of the three global public nuisances and serious social problem.

5. • Rejuvenate soils through the use of compost (proper design, siting, training, fencing, and aeration are required to avoid pollution and nuisances).

6. Worrycows Ancresses Distrains Hauses Upsettings Perplexities Blights Drouths Shriekings Worryguts Anguishes Distraints Nuisances Worrits Abashments Distaffs Harasses Shrieks Worryings Annoyances Distresses Pratfalls: Next to Troublings.

7. A place to dispose of ash, stems, roaches, and all of the other little nuisances that accompany smoking, the Ashtray is vital for keeping your smoking area clean and tidy.

8. The property owner of the building shall keep the sidewalk, flagging and curbstone abutting said building or premises free from obstruction and nuisances of every kind and shall keep said sidewalks, air shafts, Areaways, backyards, courts and alleys free from garbage, refuse, …