nonuniform in English

not uniform, regular, or constant; varying.

Use "nonuniform" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nonuniform" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nonuniform", or refer to the context using the word "nonuniform" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Corrugation used was moderately nonuniform in depth

2. HNSCCs are heterogeneous in their biology, and responses to chemotherapy are nonuniform and often only observable in subgroups.

3. Generally when determining trajectories, it may be necessary to account for nonuniform gravitational forces and air resistance (drag and aerodynamics).

4. In this paper, a flexible and efficient method for analyzing the electromagnetic field to nonuniform multiwire aerial lines coupling is proposed.

5. 4 The attenuation of electromagnetic waves at an arbitrary angle of incidence by a nonuniform unmagnetized plasma is given by using WKB method.

6. The nonuniform distribution of temperature across the depth of the plate is accounted for by assuming that ice satisfies the postulates of thermorheologically simple solids.

7. The idea behind the Circumferentially nonuniform designs was to take into account nonsymmetric flow features inside the plenum and a bias toward large preswirl angles rather than counter-swirl during practical operation

8. : the nonuniform distribution of elementary particles (such as photons or fermions) in a beam Researchers term this unusual pattern of photon emission anti-Bunching, which means there is a significant time delay between successive photons when they are emitted …

9. Anomaly, in astronomy, originally the nonuniform (anomalous) apparent motions of the planets.In present usage, three kinds of Anomaly are distinguished to describe the position in the orbit of a planet, a satellite, or a star (in a binary system) around the centre of mass.The following text relates to the orbit of a planet

10. Poly[co(4-oxybenzoate/phenyleneisophthalate)] is formed via the melt-acidolysis polymerization of appropriate monomers under conditions which have been found to substantially alleviate processing difficulties heretofore inherently associated with the biphasic nonuniform nature of such polymer wherein some regions within the polymer form an ordered anisotropic melt phase and other regions form a nonordered isotropic melt phase.