inhomogeneous in English

not uniform in character or content; diverse.
The main problems to overcome by current diagnostic tools are very low signals, due to small protein contents and/or optically inhomogeneous media.

Use "inhomogeneous" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "inhomogeneous" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "inhomogeneous", or refer to the context using the word "inhomogeneous" in the English Dictionary.

1. The shearing strain is essentially inhomogeneous flow of metal.

2. A more thorough analysis of this inhomogeneous differential equation leads to a modified Hill determinant.

3. Anisotropic and inhomogeneous composite materials and components require a range of mechanical and physical testing, under a range of environmental conditions

4. By the method of undetermined coefficient, a solution method for certain inhomogeneous differential equations with constant coefficients is given.

5. Exact measurements could be obtained only by using a new electronic device which corrects for the inhomogeneous background of the angiocardiograms.

6. Homogeneous and inhomogeneous obstructions as well as pressure flow velocity phaes angles can be easily derived from the shapes of the curves.

7. 4 This testing machine is good at studying the deformation and failure of inhomogeneous and discontinuous media from the angle of loading equability .

8. The hinterland of Junggar basin is mostly covered with desert. It brings about difficulty for seismic prospecting due to its fluctuation, inhomogeneous distribution of surface dune sand.

9. Inhomogeneous Broadening is a general term for Broadening because some emitting particles are in a different local environment from others, and therefore emit at a different frequency

10. The fact that the motion of the atoms of helium-3 gas is so quick that the spins cannot follow the change of direction of an inhomogeneous magnetic field adiabatically is an important spin relaxation mechanism.

11. Any Fredholm operator has an index, defined as the difference between the (finite) dimension of the kernel of D (solutions of Df = 0), and the (finite) dimension of the cokernel of D (the constraints on the right-hand-side of an inhomogeneous equation like Df = g, or equivalently the kernel of the adjoint operator).