neural network in English

a computer system modeled on the human brain and nervous system.
A neural network is a computer architecture modeled on the human brain, consisting of nodes connected to each other by links of differing strengths.
    neural net

Use "neural network" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "neural network" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "neural network", or refer to the context using the word "neural network" in the English Dictionary.

1. A deep neural network is a neural network with a certain level of complexity, a neural network with more than two layers

2. Download Agiel Neural Network for free

3. Better optimized neural network; choose the right Activation function, and your neural network can perform vastly better

4. 14 The neural network picture is still building.

5. 15 Hitachi has developed a wafer-scale neural network.

6. We could disable their neural network at a stroke.

7. In order to improve the recognition performance of synergetic neural network further[], a hierachical synergetic neural network model for multifont character recognition was proposed.

8. 17 Some neural network implementations require this special-purpose hardware.

9. Key words: oil sand processing, artificial neural network, pattern recognition.

10. An Artificial neural network consists of a collection of simulated neurons

11. 27 The neural network collects its data incrementally, every five minutes.

12. The chaotic neural network was applied to the shortest path problem, dynamic route guidance network routing algorithm based on transiently chaotic neural network dynamic route guidance was presented.

13. Her neural network is the most sophisticated learning computer on earth.

14. And they've also shown electrical activity, in what resembles a growing neural network.

15. Figure 1 Neural Network as Function Approximator In the next section we will present the multilayer perceptron neural network, and will demonstrate how it can be used as a function Approximator

16. 28 Such an algorithm can provide an alternative learning mechanism in a neural network.

17. Arsenal 2’s Deep Color uses a neural network to intelligently develop each photo

18. Arsenal 2’s Deep Color uses a neural network to intelligently develop each photo

19. Minsky also built, in 1951, the first randomly wired neural network learning machine, SNARC.

20. The neural network takes each pixel, does calculations, and enters information on a graph.

21. Software based on neural network ( NN ) to compensate machine tools therm al deformation is studied.

22. The paper you are citing is the paper that introduced the Cascaded convolution neural network

23. Method of adjusting automatically rule base of expert system using neural network and device thereof

24. This paper applied BP neural network control to the Static Phase Generator, and achieved good results.

25. Which has more capacity, the most advanced of the neural-network computers or a simple housefly?

26. This article proposes a modified algorithm for solving the travelling salesman problem ( TSP ) by neural network.

27. Each error value is back-propagated to adjust the neural network transformation to reduce the error value.

28. In 2015, Atomwise introduced AtomNet, the first deep learning neural network for structure-based rational drug design.

29. A ramose input and multi-output dynamic recurrent neural , network model RDRNN is presented in the , paper.

30. To address this challenge, we trained a deep neural network capable of predicting molecules with antibacterial activity

31. Clip (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training) is a neural network trained on a variety of (image, text) pairs

32. Adversarial examples a re inputs to a neural network that result in an incorrect output from the network

33. A Contractive autoencoder is an unsupervised deep learning technique that helps a neural network encode unlabeled training data

34. In this paper, Bayesian Regularization algorithm and BP neural network were combined to forecast submarine sonar self-noise.

35. The neural network used in the software proved to be effective and marked a triumph for artificial intelligence.

36. 30 The following tables illustrate this important difference between the current inspection method and the neural network approach.

37. On the basis of device characteristic model, a gamut mapping algorithm is provided based on BP neural network theory.

38. The back propagation (BP) neural network model of 5-degree of freedom (DOF) upper limb rehabilitant robot was built.

39. There is nothing easier than having a professional program using all neural network benefits that generates Conclusions for you

40. Into this milieu comes now the neural network approach to artificial intelligence, where learning is built into every system.

41. Archai is a platform for Neural Network Search (NAS) that allows you to generate efficient deep networks for your applications

42. 18 Although digital computers have to simulate this parallelism, true neural network hardware will really perform the operations in parallel.

43. To realize 3DDFA, we propose to combine two achievements in recent years, namely, Cascaded Regression and the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

44. 25 In order for the neural network software to recognize the input data, we must enter each image or number serially.

45. The system uses convolutional neural network character recognizers, combined with global training techniques to provide record accuracy on business and personal checks.

46. A method of hyperspectral remote sensing of shallow water bathymetry based on artificial neural network (ANN) technique is studied in this thesis.

47. Firstly the relation matrix changing KTSP into TSP is got, then applying chaotic neural network based on annealing strategy(ACNN) solves KTSP.

48. Repressible protein of axon growth mainly participated in regulating axon guidance, guiding axon growth and assisting construction of the precise neural network.

49. This example shows how to feed an image to a convolutional neural network and display the Activations of different layers of the network.

50. “The performance of even the most advanced of the neural-network computers . . . has about one ten-thousandth the mental capacity of a housefly.”