neurasthenia in English

an ill-defined medical condition characterized by lassitude, fatigue, headache, and irritability, associated chiefly with emotional disturbance.
In case after case, from somnambulism to neurasthenia to ‘Yuppie flu,’ we see how medical and cultural trends alternately reinforce and erode particular psychosomatic symptoms.

Use "neurasthenia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "neurasthenia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "neurasthenia", or refer to the context using the word "neurasthenia" in the English Dictionary.

1. Aneuria definition, neurasthenia

2. Autosuggestive Neurasthenia [La Neurastenia autosuggestiva]

3. Neurasthenia, dementia praecox, incurable homosexuality, epilepsy, melancholia.

4. This product is used for neurasthenia, dyspepsia and insomnia.

5. 2 It shows frequent symptoms of hypochondria and neurasthenia.

6. For chronic inflammation of bronchi, neurasthenia , low sexual function , weakness, low cell count after radiation therapy.

7. Asthenia produced by nervous exhaustion, emotional upset, or difficult, usually prolonged, emotional strain or conflict is known as neurAsthenia

8. A number of years ago, while suffering from a mild case of " Scribe's Fever, " a form of neurasthenia common among the intelligentsia of that time,

9. Of course, for accuracy's sake, I should add that Eliot later decided it wasn't neurasthenia at all; rather, he concluded, he'd been hit with "Aboulia" from the French, aboulie.Domestic strife

10. Meanwhile, the government last week refused to Accredit journalists from the BBC and other western countries who wanted to cover the trial.: We cannot Accredit his survival to clinical treatment of neurasthenia, but perhaps

11. ‘It offered more vivid vocabulary than neurasthenia and soon a less fully medical-professional context as well - both aspects Advantaging the new concept over existing formulations.’ ‘You end up maybe Advantaging a few more kids, but creating huge and greater disadvantages for all the rest of the kids.’