national socialism in English

the political doctrine of the Nazi Party of Germany.
What we oppose is statism, whether it's called Bolshevism, National Socialism , Fascism, Fabianism, or New Dealism.

Use "national socialism" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "national socialism" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "national socialism", or refer to the context using the word "national socialism" in the English Dictionary.

1. One cannot understand National Socialism if one does not understand Wagner.

2. The forces of National Socialism were transforming Germany root and branch.

3. 4 The forces of National Socialism were transforming Germany root and branch.

4. This “legal peace” allows for preliminary payments from the General Settlement Fund to victims of National Socialism

5. 21 AS an anti - liberal force, it opts for totalitarianism in politics and national socialism in economics.

6. Special attention is paid to the question whether and how the war and National Socialism have influenced training analysis as it is represented in the memory of the former analysands, in which war and National Socialism represent a common experiential background both of analysands and training analysts.

7. And no historical acumen is needed to understand that nationalism was the source of Hitler’s National Socialism and, therefore, World War II.

8. In October 2019, the Austrian parliament unanimously adopted an amendment to the Austrian Citizenship Act (“Staatsbürgerschaftsgesetz”) in recognition of its historical responsibility towards the victims of National Socialism and their descendants.

9. Hitler's Brownshirts created near-anarchy in Germany, but they were not working to end government, per se, but rather were using anarchic conditions as a means to establish the totalitarian government of National Socialism.

10. The city is working on a new museum to be built where the Nazi party headquarters once stood. Called the Documentation Center for the History of National Socialism, it is expected to open in 20

11. He has fund amental contributions to the spread of anti-Semitism (to 1945) submitted between 1871 and 1945 and the history of National Socialism in Hamburg, Germany, and the political role of Protestants during this time.

12. Jünger’s essay illustrates with its theory of the rule and the ‘Gestalt’ of the worker Thomas Mann’s concept of aestheticism, in as much as in the essay a vision of reality emerges which is determined by factors identified as “ästhetizistisch” in Thomas Mann’s novel, thus corroborating the underlying idea of the latter that aestheticism was a prevelant intellectual force with far-reaching political consequences on the eve of the rise of national socialism.