nationalists in English

a person who advocates political independence for a country.
a Scottish nationalist

Use "nationalists" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nationalists" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nationalists", or refer to the context using the word "nationalists" in the English Dictionary.

1. The elections had been particularly hard fought, and acrimony between nationalists and non-nationalists split Basque society down the middle.

2. There could be no compromise with the nationalists.

3. The Nationalists emerged triumphant from the political crisis.

4. White nationalists are the favorite Bogeymen of 2020s American socialists

5. By late 1949 the Nationalists' position had become desperate.

6. 4 Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.

7. Her resistance to the Nationalists endowed her with legendary status.

8. 4 The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.

9. BLAction365 is a Network of Black Nationalists, Pan Africanists & Revolutionary Nationalists committed to the L!Beration & Advancement of the Oppressed People of the World!

10. Among the targets of the Cheka were Russian nationalists who objected strongly…

11. Paul Gosar for Cozying up to white nationalists? Opinion: Arizona Rep

12. I mean, almost always, the people who deny climate change are nationalists.

13. Before they became Indian nationalists, the Nehrus were Anglophile to the bone.

14. Social Democrats won 72 seats, Christians Socials 69 and German Nationalists 26.

15. When the Nationalists came, they lined up the Republicans against the wall.

16. Cryptonym for the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B)

17. Subverts the Hindu nationalists‟ attempt to “Brahmanize” two-thousand year old narrative tradition

18. In February 1929 the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was founded in Vienna.

19. Some nationalists would like to depict the British monarchy as a purely English institution.

20. Notably, he has refused to pander to Japanese nationalists by visiting Tokyo Yasukuni war shrine.

21. Although a number of concessions helped pacify minority nationalists, the most militant remained unreconciled.

22. He is a globalist, whereas we are nationalists who will put our country first.

23. 13 The Nationalists entrenched their power further by adding six seats to the Parliament.

24. It is doubtful whether the government will ever Accede to the nationalists ' demands for independence

25. It began when a group of about 200 Serbian nationalists approached the Jarinje crossing , throwing firebombs .

26. It is doubtful whether the government will ever accede to the nationalists' demands for independence.

27. 2 Their intelligence agency, the Kempeitai, put out feelers to nationalists like Ngo Dinh Diem.

28. From Hong Kong he criticized the Nationalists' single-party system and continued to advocate multiparty federalism.

29. At first, the island was seen as a springboard for the Nationalists plan to reconquer the mainland.

30. Stirred up by this incident, nationalists took to the streets in several parts of Yerevan, setting up road blocks.

31. The fascists were nationalists, rooted in nation-states and devoted to the strengthening and aggrandizement of those states.

32. Discrimination against nationalists under the Stormont government (1921–1972) gave rise to the civil rights movement in the 1960s.

33. The continued hostility between the Communists on the mainland and the Nationalists on Taiwan continued throughout the Cold War.

34. 29 In fact, the nationalists were prisoners of a historical situation that inevitably made modernity a no-win choice.

35. He was an important commander in the Northern Expedition (1926–1928) which the Nationalists launched to unify China.

36. But a key element remained the considerable filial loyalty the catholic nationalists showed towards their clergy, bishops, and Popes.

37. The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.

38. Particularly since, almost invariably, the colonists used socialist slogans to reject any nationalist demands and justify the elimination of nationalists.

39. The 1910 general elections had left the Liberals as a minority government dependent upon the support of Irish Nationalists.

40. The next day, Valencia, which had held out under the guns of the Nationalists for close to two years, also surrendered.

41. When the Second Sino-Japanese War was over, Sun participated in the Chinese Civil War on the side of the Nationalists.

42. The partition stoked controversy among hardline Hindu nationalists, who described it as an attempt to "divide and rule" the Bengali homeland.

43. Whereas English nationalists used Classical Barbarising methods to construct characters who could act as an ‘other’ by which to define themselves in opposition

44. For racists, white supremacists and white nationalists, having your views Bullhorned from the bully pulpit of the Oval Office is a stamp of approval

45. Anschluss is a ground-breaking work that pulls into focus the inter-related political dependencies of North Amerikan Ethno Nationalists, Preppers, and Secessionists

46. Novembre has folded into his recent talks depicts a group of white nationalists Chugging milk at a 2017 gathering to draw attention …

47. Culloden features the Duke of Cumberland, who was known as "The Butcher" among Jacobites, and in modern times, Scottish nationalists.

48. White nationalists seek to ensure the survival of (what they see as) the white race, and the cultures of historically white nations.

49. The election resulted in a hung parliament, with the Liberal government dependent on the support of the third largest party, the Irish nationalists.

50. The primary election, a contest between French officials and the nationalists, was considered fraudulent by Syrians (many of whom boycotted the 26 October elections).