narrow mindedness in English

state of having a limited perspective, intolerance, prejudice

Use "narrow mindedness" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "narrow mindedness" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "narrow mindedness", or refer to the context using the word "narrow mindedness" in the English Dictionary.

1. Mother is growing impatient with your narrow-mindedness.

2. But it was beset by internal politics and narrow-mindedness.

3. The villagers displayed the typical narrow-mindedness of a small community.

4. Narrow-mindedness will no longer choke the enjoyment out of life.

5. 7 The villagers displayed the typical narrow-mindedness of a small community.

6. In 1991, Time magazine reported on the growing narrow-mindedness in the United States.

7. They do not endorse the ideas, that refer to national narrow-mindedness and exclusiveness

8. Narrow-mindedness chokes the enjoyment out of life and closes one’s mind to new ideas.

9. 2 The ‘narrowness’ of “The Way” is therefore not a narrow-mindedness, an oversolemn way.

10. You can't let your ethnic narrow-mindedness stop your son from thriving in our culture.

11. Speaker, Don Cherry's disparaging remarks about Quebeckers on the CBC speak volumes about that gentleman's narrow-mindedness

12. It is unbelievable that as a result of this narrow-mindedness a group of people should suffer.

13. Where intolerance breeds, narrow-mindedness can escalate into prejudice, which is an aversion to a group, race, or religion.

14. I am used to the narrow-mindedness , lack of logic and irresponsibility of some local netizens (and I don't really mean the bloggers in the screen capture below) - in fact many local netizens.

15. In 1835 the old controversy was again revived and Lord Macaulay , the chairman of the Committee on Public Instruction wrote his famous note which is a remarkable achievement of brilliant advocacy , sparkling rhetoric , crass ignorance of Oriental culture and extreme narrow - mindedness .