Use "narrow mindedness" in a sentence

1. Mother is growing impatient with your narrow-mindedness.

2. But it was beset by internal politics and narrow-mindedness.

3. The villagers displayed the typical narrow-mindedness of a small community.

4. Narrow-mindedness will no longer choke the enjoyment out of life.

5. 7 The villagers displayed the typical narrow-mindedness of a small community.

6. In 1991, Time magazine reported on the growing narrow-mindedness in the United States.

7. They do not endorse the ideas, that refer to national narrow-mindedness and exclusiveness

8. Narrow-mindedness chokes the enjoyment out of life and closes one’s mind to new ideas.

9. 2 The ‘narrowness’ of “The Way” is therefore not a narrow-mindedness, an oversolemn way.

10. You can't let your ethnic narrow-mindedness stop your son from thriving in our culture.

11. Speaker, Don Cherry's disparaging remarks about Quebeckers on the CBC speak volumes about that gentleman's narrow-mindedness

12. It is unbelievable that as a result of this narrow-mindedness a group of people should suffer.

13. Where intolerance breeds, narrow-mindedness can escalate into prejudice, which is an aversion to a group, race, or religion.

14. I am used to the narrow-mindedness , lack of logic and irresponsibility of some local netizens (and I don't really mean the bloggers in the screen capture below) - in fact many local netizens.

15. In 1835 the old controversy was again revived and Lord Macaulay , the chairman of the Committee on Public Instruction wrote his famous note which is a remarkable achievement of brilliant advocacy , sparkling rhetoric , crass ignorance of Oriental culture and extreme narrow - mindedness .