monophyletic in English

(of a group of organisms) descended from a common evolutionary ancestor or ancestral group, especially one not shared with any other group.
Given two monophyletic groups of taxa, the site patterns found in an alignment of sequences can be described in terms of five classes.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "monophyletic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "monophyletic", or refer to the context using the word "monophyletic" in the English Dictionary.

1. Filosa is apparently a monophyletic group, but Endomyxa is paraphyletic.

2. Bryophytes and tracheophytes are monophyletic and collectively called emBryophytes

3. Bryophytes and tracheophytes are monophyletic (one branch of the evolutionary

4. PanCrustacean phylogeny: hexapods are terrestrial Crustaceans and maxillopods are not monophyletic

5. When subjected to molecular phylogenetic analysis only Thalictroideae is monophyletic.

6. Ancodonta's (anthracothere-like artiodactyls, monophyletic or not) taxonomy is a mess

7. In this assemblage, they most likely form a monophyletic lineage with the yuhinas (and possibly other "babblers").

8. ‘The order Cetacea comprises two extant sub-orders and one extinct sub-order.’ ‘They found that the hypothesis that a monophyletic Mesonychia is the sister taxon of Cetacea, and a monophyletic Artiodactyla is the extant sister taxon of Cetacea was significantly …

9. ‘The order Cetacea comprises two extant sub-orders and one extinct sub-order.’ ‘They found that the hypothesis that a monophyletic Mesonychia is the sister taxon of Cetacea, and a monophyletic Artiodactyla is the extant sister taxon of Cetacea was significantly …

10. Additional studies are needed before it can be split into two or more smaller monophyletic genera.

11. The genus is monophyletic and sister to Thujopsis.Members are commonly known as Arborvitaes, (from Latin for tree of life) thujas or cedars

12. The Cestoda, comprising Gyrocotylidea, Amphilinidea, and EuCestoda, are believed to form a monophyletic and highly derived flatworm group

13. The Aculeates, or stinging insects, are a monophyletic group of the insect order Hymenoptera, amounting to about 68,000 known species worldwide

14. Most Annelid diversity is comprised in two reciprocal monophyletic groups, Sedentaria and Errantia, which are named after the predominant life style of their members

15. The Archosaurs are definitely a monophyletic clade, and do not include reptiles such as the Squamata (lizards and snakes) and the Sphenodontia ().

16. Monophyletic or not, they appear to belong to a close-knit group of "higher waterbirds" which also includes groups such as penguins and Procellariiformes.

17. A Clade (also known as a monophyletic group) is a group of organisms that includes a single ancestor and all of its descendents. Clades represent unbroken lines of evolutionary descent

18. Schneider and Foighil (1999) investigated the generic placement of tridacnids using mitochondrial 16S and found the Tridacninae to be monophyletic with respect to other zooxanthellate Cardiids.

19. Recent phylogenetic studies give us confidence that the 19 herbaceous peren-nials and annuals of Anogra and Kleinia together form a monophyletic group (Levin et al

20. Archosaurs are a true, monophyletic clade, that is to say that all Archosaurs are the descendents of a single common ancestor, and all of the descendants of that ancestor are considered Archosaurs

21. The Apicomplexa are a monophyletic group composed almost entirely of parasitic (ie, no free-living) species. Apicomplexa, along with ciliates and dinoflagellates, form a higher order group known as Alveolata

22. Over centuries of work, biological taxonomy has endeavored to split groups into Clades, rejecting non-Clade classifications, which are referred to as "paraphyletic." True Clades are "monophyletic."

23. Many of the previously named Brontothere subfamilies are clearly paraphyletic while others correspond to subclades of the Brontotheriinae and have been assigned new ranks, resulting in a revised classification consisting of internested monophyletic taxa

24. The genus is monophyletic and sister to Thujopsis.They are commonly known as Arborvitaes (from Latin for tree of life) or Thujas; several species are widely known as cedar but, because they are not true cedars (Cedrus), it

25. The flowering plants, or Angiosperms (Greek angio, vessel + sperm, seed; i.e., seeds enclosed by a vessel), variously named Angiospermae, Magnoliophyta, or Anthophyta, are a monophyletic group currently thought to be the sister group to the gymnosperms.

26. While "Anapsid reptiles" or "Anapsida" are traditionally spoken of as if they were a monophyletic group, it has been suggested that several groups of reptiles that had Anapsid skulls may be only distantly related

27. Amorphous solid; Amorpha, a genus of plants in the pea family; Amorpha juglandis, in the monotypic moth genus Amorpha; Amorphae, a 2016 album by Ben Monder; Amorphea, or unikonts, a taxonomic supergroup of eukaryotes; Amorpheae, a monophyletic clade of the flowering plant subfamily Faboideae

28. A 2002 phylogenetic study of ribosomal DNA from various gasteriod species, including Cyathus striatus and Crucibulum laeve as representatives of the Nidulariaceae, were shown to belong to the euagarics clade, a monophyletic grouping of species from various genera: Hymenogaster, Hebeloma, Pholiota, Psathyrellus, Agaricus campestris, Amanita, and Tulostoma.

29. ‘Human Amnion has been suggested for use as a biologic burn dressing, especially in developing countries.’ ‘The one that is visible at the earliest stage of development is the Amnion.’ ‘The amniotes are a monophyletic group of vertebrates, comprising reptiles, birds, and mammals, that develops in its embryonic life the envelope called

30. While the term prokaryote (“before-nucleus”) is widely used to describe both Archaea and Bacteria, you can see from the phylogenetic Tree of Life below that this term does not describe a monophyletic group: A phylogenetic tree of living things, based on RNA data and proposed by Carl Woese, showing the separation of bacteria