momentum in English

the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity.
In contrast, the active medium in the mechanical laser is the intrinsic angular momenta of electrons and nuclei.
the impetus gained by a moving object.
the vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped

Use "momentum" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "momentum" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "momentum", or refer to the context using the word "momentum" in the English Dictionary.

1. Helmut Angula Angular momentum In physics, Angular momentum is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum.

2. Expansion With New Momentum

3. Reform efforts gain momentum.

4. So momentum is good.

5. A general momentum equation is obtained when the conservation relation is applied to momentum.

6. The movement was gaining momentum.

7. Our campaign is gaining momentum.

8. The strikes continue to gather momentum.

9. That's called conservation of angular momentum.

10. Which country has the growth momentum?

11. This campaign is really gaining momentum.

12. Manifestations in Valencia and Barcelona gained momentum.

13. The escaping gas gains a momentum in one direction and so the astronaut gains an equal momentum in the opposite direction.

14. Loss of momentum in the sales department .

15. 4 She gave fresh momentum to the campaign.

16. So, Buddha's teaching has lost its momentum.

17. The delay has taken away their momentum

18. The movement for reform rapidly gathered momentum.

19. Ary Aind Indicator is a forex momentum oscillator

20. This is called the conservation of angular momentum.

21. 21 The plot to kill Jesus gains momentum.

22. This trend shows no signs of losing momentum.

23. They have that elusive quality called narrative momentum.

24. This didn't stop the momentum of the band.

25. Conservation of momentum and Conservation of Kinetic energy

26. The team has lost momentum in recent weeks.

27. In a crash, momentum changes abruptly but not instantaneously.

28. This is analogous to the way that special relativity mixes space and time into spacetime, and mass, momentum and energy into four-momentum.

29. Biological and entomological studies gained momentum through the photographic record.

30. Relativity links mass with energy, and energy with momentum.

31. Calderón's campaign gained momentum after the first presidential debate.

32. 6 Does gallbladder need carry momentum after polypous art?

33. * * Example: Compute the Commutator of the angular momentum operators

34. Our engagement in the SAARC process has gained momentum.

35. The gage deflection is due to the momentum transfer.

36. Demands for his dismissal have gathered momentum in recent weeks.

37. Success, market valuation and cash flow provide a powerful momentum.

38. However remittances from the EU have kept momentum since 2008[8].

39. 17 During 1983 the Kingdom work took on a marvelous momentum.

40. 17 They have inertia, mass and momentum and obey centrifugal force.

41. If the momentum picks up, conventional politics could be torn asunder.

42. Now it gained momentum, moving down through elementary schools too.

43. There is a momentum which seems to be beyond control.

44. For elastic collisions in one dimension, conservation of momentum applies.

45. 3 The system of selective service breaks the study momentum.

46. They have inertia, mass and momentum and obey centrifugal force.

47. In, you must use momentum to swing towards victory

48. The definition of momentum is equal to mass times velocity.

49. (f) Whether on-line registration for passports has gained momentum;

50. 24 The fight for his release gathers momentum each day.