mon-khmer in English

a family of languages spoken throughout Southeast Asia, of which the most important are Mon and Khmer. They are distantly related to Munda, with which they form the Austro-Asiatic phylum.
One group speaks Mon-Khmer , an Austroasiatic language.
relating to the Mon-Khmer group of languages.
It is a tonal Mon-Khmer language with strong Chinese lexical influences.

Use "mon-khmer" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mon-khmer" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mon-khmer", or refer to the context using the word "mon-khmer" in the English Dictionary.

1. As is the situation with most of the Mon-Khmer languages, Jru' has no indigenous writing system.

2. Approximately 1,500 years ago, a Mon-Khmer group, the Khom established settlements in what is now Salavan Province.

3. In this study, we compared the Y chromosome diversity of the Peninsular Daic to those of Chinese Daic and the Mon-Khmer populations to reveal the origin of the Peninsular Daic populations.

4. Paul Sidwell (2005) reconstructs the consonant inventory of Proto-Mon–Khmer as follows: This is identical to earlier reconstructions except for *ʄ. *ʄ is better preserved in the Katuic languages, which Sidwell has specialized in.

5. Former pattern can be seen in Abkhaz (North-West Caucasian): (3) s-ànə-y s-àbə-y my-mother-and my-father-and ‘my mother and my father’ (Stassen 2000:12) The latter can be seen in a strategy in Sedang (Mon-Khmer) that marks coordinands with dual pronouns: (4) préi klá préi koa 3DU tiger 3DU turtle