moderates in English

(in academic and ecclesiastical contexts) preside over (a deliberative body) or at (a debate).
a panel moderated by a Harvard University law professor
synonyms:chairtake the chair ofpreside over
a person who holds moderate views, especially in politics.
His greatest concern was that the Republicans would prove so reactionary that they would transform Democratic moderates and liberals into radicals and extremists.

Use "moderates" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moderates" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moderates", or refer to the context using the word "moderates" in the English Dictionary.

1. Braggadocious!: Randy Rainbow Moderates Debate #1

2. Where the moderates coaxed, Appeased and …

3. Moderates have displaced the extremists on the committee.

4. He moderates his assent with the halting affirmative.

5. Apertus moderates at the edge of certainty in …

6. But as it moves southward the icy air moderates.

7. Actually, groundwater moderates the effects of acid rain. Glaciers 51.

8. He later led seven moderates in supporting a resolution of impeachment against Nixon.

9. Since then, factions of moderates and hardliners have battled within the movement.

10. Chastity is the virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite

11. The bribery scandal sparked a squabble between radicals and moderates in the parliament.

12. If moderates fail to reach a compromise , the extremists will dominate the agenda.

13. Blantyre lies at an elevation (3,409 feet [1,039 metres]) that moderates the tropical climate

14. Late this spring, something changed, and within a few weeks moderates made dramatic public advances.

15. Synonyms for Alleviates include soothes, allays, assuages, diminishes, dulls, eases, mitigates, moderates, mollifies and reduces

16. Many moderates in Washington state’s Democratic Party exist in a version of this “Assimilationist” category

17. 26 Especially on liberal initiatives, they face defections by moderates, as well as Republican delaying tactics.

18. Both candidates are moderates who believe in market-driven reforms and recognize the importance of public security.

19. StreamElements Chat Bot for Twitch and YouTube Live streaming increases engagement and moderates your chat

20. 28 If moderates fail to reach a compromise ,[] the extremists will dominate the agenda.

21. 17 But they, too, have been disrupted, and moderates are turning on those who espouse violence.

22. Defying the leaders of both political parties, moderates are asking voters to approve open primary elections for California.

23. Senate moderates continue to work behind closed doors trying to trim down the economic stimulus package.

24. Many Republican moderates refused to support him, and he was overwhelmed at the polls by Lyndon Johnson.

25. AS A VIRTUE.—Chastity is the virtue which excludes or moderates the indulgence of the sexual appetite.

26. Its current Brinkmanship is the work of a regime in which moderates have little room left to maneuver

27. Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.

28. Three political tendencies were starting to appear: the Extremists (Spanish: exaltados), the Moderates (Spanish: moderados) and the Royalists (Spanish: realistas).

29. 15 Moderates are putting it about that people shouldn't take the things said at the Republican Convention too seriously.

30. But despite their endorsement in the municipal elections last October, it is not the moderates who hold the balance of power.

31. It was a time of easy violence as Republican “Wide Awakers” brawled with Democrat “Fire Eaters” and moderates were attacked by both extremes

32. Moderates in the Congress still hoped that the colonies could be reconciled with Great Britain, but a movement towards independence steadily gained ground.

33. Adventists also are spread out across the ideological spectrum: 37% say they are conservatives, 31% identify as political moderates and 22% say they are liberals

34. The right may lambast McCain for failing to vote for Bush's tax cuts or for seeking restrictions on guns, but that makes the senator appealing in the eyes of moderates.

35. From October to February the weather moderates, but, except on the Antarctic Peninsula, which stretches up to within 600 miles (966 kilometers) of South America, the temperature never goes above freezing.

36. Our best contribution to the process of "Anathematizing" religious extremism, as Taylor suggests, is the patient engagement of moderates in the region and the cultivation of attitudes of tolerance

37. Pelosi had resisted demands from moderates in her caucus to narrow her Ambitions or put a new bill on the floor, insisting that Republicans should be the ones to offer new concessions

38. ‘Its current Brinkmanship is the work of a regime in which moderates have little room left to maneuver.’ ‘But there's a strange niggling as we enter into this new era of musical Brinkmanship.’

39. The declaration on Global Movement of Moderates recognised that moderation can be a tool to counter violent extremism and supported education as an effective medium to prevent spread of violent extremism and to address its root causes.

40. Iran’s Clerical rulers are depicted as well-meaning moderates whose sincere and persistent overtures to the United States have been rebuffed by presidents of both political parties. AMERICA AND IRAN, FROM FASCINATION TO ANTAGONISM RAY TAKEYH FEBRUARY 26, 2021 WASHINGTON POST

41. The main functional cell type of the brain's cerebral cortex is the Cortical neuron.These neurons are packed into the cortex, also called the gray matter, which is up to four millimeters thick along both cerebral hemispheres.Cortical neuron activity moderates perception and communication in the brain, and also …

42. The Blunter stand of the world towards what's going on in Gaza is actually stirring a lot of deep-rooted hatred and animosity, not only against the Israeli occupiers and their backers in the West but against those so-called moderates in Palestine and the Arab world as well

43. The overthrow of Saddam Hussein was called Operation Iraqi Freedom for a reason : the American - led occupation forces must not become midwife for an anti - democratic legal system that disallows freedom of religion , executes adulterers , oppresses women , and discriminates against non - Muslims . Acquiescing to the Sharia discourages moderates while encouraging the Wahhabi and Khomeinist extremists in Iraq .