moderne in English

of or relating to a popularization of the art deco style marked by bright colors and geometric shapes.
Downtown's newest hotel sports great art, moderne styling, 282 luxe rooms, and a rooftop pool, all a stone's throw from the convention center.

Use "moderne" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moderne" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moderne", or refer to the context using the word "moderne" in the English Dictionary.

1. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème clôture moderne, Cloture maison, moderne.

2. Bette bietet Badewannen, Duschwannen und Waschtische für moderne Badezimmer

3. Atonale Musik hat ihre Nische gefunden! Moderne Musik als Folge des kulturellen Wandels! Malte Kebschull innerartlich: Selektion kulturelle Entwicklung Rekombination Konkurrenz Musikausdruck zwischenartlich: Moderne Musik im Rahmen der Evolutionstheorie Fazit Musikstil Mutation

4. Im moderne Sprochbrüch het dr Begriff Chauvinismus e Üswittung erfahre.

5. Gerettete Mütterlichkeit. Zur Symbolik Ambivalenter Geschlechter-Inszenierungen in der expressionistischen Moderne

6. Dette har kommet til syne i infotainment-systemet, sentralen i de moderne og heldigitale Cockpitene

7. Les Conjointes c'est d'abord une histoire d'amour moderne, assumée entre deux femmes dans leur quotidien

8. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for L'estampe Moderne Bouderie by A

9. The stuff of impressionist painting had been the fleeting glimpse of Ia vie moderne rather than the solid statue.

10. The building was described as an Art Deco piece featuring elements that would later be used in Moderne architecture.

11. I lys av den moderne kjeden utdyper markedsrapporten hovedsakelig definisjonen, typene, applikasjonene og hovedaktørene i vertikal Agitatorer-markedet i detalj.

12. Brillant -Butikken der er med på tidens trend! Brillant er en moderne smykkeforretning som ligger midt i ikast strøgcentret

13. Brume, la radio-campus de Lyon est une force de proposition médiatique moderne résolument tournée vers l'avenir

14. Archaeopteryx însemnând „aripă preistorică” este un gen extinct de dinozaur asemănător păsărilor, cu caracteristici intermediare între dinozauri cu pene și păsări moderne

15. De ce aţi alege mobilierul Alson? • Pentru o calitate Premium şi un design personalizat, cu tendinţe neoclasice dar şi moderne, cu un puternic simţ tradiţional prin specificul lemnului 100% masiv!

16. Position: Greffier(ère)-Audiencier(ère)<br>Venez faire une différence dans une ville moderne, en pleine expansion, qui a à cœur ses citoyens

17. He also used some design elements more specifically associated with the contemporary Moderne and Art Deco styles, such as the angled corners, asymmetrical window panes and large expanses of brick above the windows.

18. Up to 5% cash back  · Bouderie" Lithographie sépia originale entoilée de Alfredo MÜLLER pour L'ESTAMPE MODERNE (1898) avec son cachet à sec

19. The "Wim Delvoye: Cloaca 2000–2007" exhibition took place from 30 September 2007 until 6 January 2008 at Casino Luxembourg - Forum d'art contemporain, in collaboration with the Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean (Mudam Luxembourg)

20. Realismul Balzacian este o tendință apărută în literatura interbelică mondială al cărui pionier a fost Honoré de Balzac.Caracterizat prin câteva elemente moderne, acesta are predominant teme urbane și ca motive literare folosește motivul paternității și motivul moștenirii.

21. Shakespeare Anthologized: England's Parnassus Home Exhibition Shakespeare the Poet Contemporary accounts and critical responses to poetry Englands Parnassus, or, The choysest flowers of our moderne poets, with their poeticall comparisons descriptions of bewties, personages, castles, pallaces, mountaines, groues, seas, springs, riuers, &c.

22. L’utilisation inhabituelle du ciment, matériau moderne et peu banal en sculpture, peut être perçu comme un # hommage discret à la personnalité hors du commun du modèle, éprise de liberté et refusant toutes Convenances

23. • « Catholicisme » et histoire du Catholicisme moderne par Jacques Le Brun, in Annuaire de l'École pratique des hautes études (1999) • La question de l'autorité dans le traditionalisme catholique par Luc Perrin, in Revue des sciences religieuses (2013)

24. ‘The ‘long-tail effect’, currently making waves from broadcasting to bookselling, is one of those suddenly ubiquitous notions Brashly promising a revolution in consumer capitalism.’ ‘It was a few years later that the decorated building made a last brave stand, Art Deco's Egyptian colonnades and Moderne sunbursts sparkling Brashly

25. His Choreographic Objects have been exhibited globally in venues such as Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall, the Venice and Sydney Biennales, La Villette/Grande Halle, Paris as part of Festival d’automne, and museums such as Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio, Museum fur Moderne Kunst, Frankfurt, and Hayward Gallery, London

26. Subscribe to Brie's Blunderings by Email Shiz I Write About 80s style 90s Style at my finest baby Boulder-isms Buddhism cool videos Cora the Rose Cussing Daddy dance Deep Thoughts fashion firsts hair happiness healthy thighs Luker Mama Moderne motherhood mullets peckers poems Reader Favorites stuff that's dumb ta-tas that's what he said that's

27. Subscribe to Brie's Blunderings by Email Shiz I Write About 80s style 90s Style at my finest baby Boulder-isms Buddhism cool videos Cora the Rose Cussing Daddy dance Deep Thoughts fashion firsts hair happiness healthy thighs Luker Mama Moderne motherhood mullets peckers poems Reader Favorites stuff that's dumb ta-tas that's what he said that's

28. L'Armory Show marque bien un tournant: pr pa rant les M ditations esth tiques (mai-mars 1913), Apollinaire Biffait encore le titre original, Les Peintres nouveaux, pour lui pr f rer celui de Peintres cubis tes6! Les successeurs d'Apollinaire, Andr Breton en t te, oublieront t t la diff rence que leur ma tre avait mise entre moderne et nouveau

29. I congratulate my colleague because he really does Bespeak for modern liberalism.: Je tiens à féliciter mon collègue parce qu'il témoigne vraiment d'un libéralisme moderne.: Everyone was moved by the vivid images and the stories they Bespeak.: Tout le monde a été ému par les images saisissantes et les histoires qu'elles racontaient.: Air Inuit adds that these failures "Bespeak a state