military jurisdiction in English

trials directed by military law for soldiers during military service

Use "military jurisdiction" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "military jurisdiction" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "military jurisdiction", or refer to the context using the word "military jurisdiction" in the English Dictionary.

1. In 1992, the military cantonment passed into the jurisdiction of Govisümber Province, according to the 1992 constitution.

2. Analytically, such authority involves three types of jurisdiction, namely: (a) prescriptive jurisdiction; (b) enforcement jurisdiction; and (c) adjudicatory jurisdiction

3. Significantly, by 1830 the administration of Indian affairs in the Canadas had passed from military to civilian jurisdiction.

4. It is the sole military wing of the Israeli security forces, and has no civilian jurisdiction within Israel.

5. For example, the Military Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (MEJA) allows the prosecution of contractors who work for the Department of Defence.

6. However, Comity licensure provisions vary significantly from jurisdiction to jurisdiction

7. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is perceived to be a refinement of enforcement jurisdiction

8. Jurisdiction Percent (By Jurisdiction) Apportion Distance of Total X 80,000 lbs

9. Jurisdiction The jurisdiction of the Archbishop is twofold, episcopal and archiepiscopal

10. Adjudicatory jurisdiction is perceived to be a refinement of enforcement jurisdiction.

11. * Foreign Jurisdiction.

12. Other Allegations are required in a pleading to establish the correct jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction

13. UN's jurisdiction, 64.

14. The other jurisdiction of the High Court is the exercise of admiralty jurisdiction

15. Admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction

16. Jurisdiction has currently Adopted

17. Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments - Special jurisdiction - Jurisdiction "in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi-delict" - Concept - "Action paulienne" - Not included

18. All currency is my jurisdiction.

19. Comity is the courtesy one jurisdiction gives by enforcing the laws of another jurisdiction

20. New Mexico's not a retreat jurisdiction.

21. Basically any trial court will verify whether it actually has jurisdiction under the rules of international jurisdiction.

22. 1 word related to Archbishopric: jurisdiction

23. 1 word related to Archdeaconry: jurisdiction

24. Various defendants Contended that the Italian courts lacked jurisdiction because of the jurisdiction clause contained in the prospectus

25. Brussels Convention - Special jurisdiction - Jurisdiction ‘in matters relating to tort, delict or quasi delict’ - Concept - ‘Action paulienne’ - Not included