mettle test in English

test of character, test of courage

Use "mettle test" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mettle test" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mettle test", or refer to the context using the word "mettle test" in the English Dictionary.

1. Crises will strew his path to test his mettle.

2. Shooting space garbage is no test ofa warrior's mettle.

3. The next game will be a real test of their mettle.

4. The real test of her political mettle came in the May elections.

5. Chances mettle.

6. It may entail discipline that will probe your motives and test the mettle of your dedication.

7. Graham led a lovely rib, slabby and clean, though it didn't test our mettle too severely.

8. There is much mettle.

9. If Labour wins on Thursday, it is likely that the markets will test the mettle of Mr Smith.

10. She really showed her mettle under pressure.

11. Full of mettle; spirited and plucky.

12. Variations in response put you on your mettle.

13. He had been on his mettle throughout.

14. 7 Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse. 

15. Both players were on their mettle in the final round.

16. 5 Frazer's disciple, Malinowski, was of a very different mettle.

17. Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse. 

18. In our personal lives, and on a global scale, we face Challenges that test our emotional mettle — injury, illness, unemployment, grief, divorce, death, or even a new

19. Cooking for such important people really puts you on your mettle.

20. 7 Two other reports Tuesday bespoke consumer mettle and retail strength.

21. She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap.

22. The school inspection is going to put the teachers on their mettle.

23. The next race will put him on his mettle.

24. Under Cripplingly cold winter conditions, American troops proved their mettle

25. Two other reports Tuesday bespoke consumer mettle and retail strength.