Use "mettle test" in a sentence

1. Crises will strew his path to test his mettle.

2. Shooting space garbage is no test ofa warrior's mettle.

3. The next game will be a real test of their mettle.

4. The real test of her political mettle came in the May elections.

5. Chances mettle.

6. It may entail discipline that will probe your motives and test the mettle of your dedication.

7. Graham led a lovely rib, slabby and clean, though it didn't test our mettle too severely.

8. There is much mettle.

9. If Labour wins on Thursday, it is likely that the markets will test the mettle of Mr Smith.

10. She really showed her mettle under pressure.

11. Full of mettle; spirited and plucky.

12. Variations in response put you on your mettle.

13. He had been on his mettle throughout.

14. 7 Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse. 

15. Both players were on their mettle in the final round.

16. 5 Frazer's disciple, Malinowski, was of a very different mettle.

17. Mettle is dangerous in a blind horse. 

18. In our personal lives, and on a global scale, we face Challenges that test our emotional mettle — injury, illness, unemployment, grief, divorce, death, or even a new

19. Cooking for such important people really puts you on your mettle.

20. 7 Two other reports Tuesday bespoke consumer mettle and retail strength.

21. She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap.

22. The school inspection is going to put the teachers on their mettle.

23. The next race will put him on his mettle.

24. Under Cripplingly cold winter conditions, American troops proved their mettle

25. Two other reports Tuesday bespoke consumer mettle and retail strength.

26. We'll have to be on our mettle from the start.

27. The Courage to support unpopular causes When might mettle be a better fit than Courage? In some situations, the words mettle and Courage are roughly equivalent.

28. Because at the end of the day, it wasn't about proving my mettle.

29. This world, contumely Apparatchiki, the T2 'mettle' man chases us down

30. This was just his way of keeping me on my mettle.

31. He has shown his captaincy mettle over the past few years.

32. 7 She showed her mettle by winning in spite of her handicap.

33. 25 The school inspection is going to put the teachers on their mettle.

34. He'll have to be on his mettle if he wants to win the next race.

35. When the boss comes round, I want you all to show your mettle.

36. It is in the treatment of the upper torso that the artist really shows his mettle.

37. His first important chance to show his mettle came when he opened the new session of the Legislature.

38. Keywords/Tags: Philip Larkin, Aubade, abide, death, mortality, religion, drink, drinking, drunk, alcohol, fettle, mettle, Nirvana

39. The expedition – and the hardships it encounters – gives Crozier one last chance to prove his mettle.

40. He thinks this keeps him on his mettle, but it often leaves him at a loss for the right word.

41. Neither barber, in their tight-fitting tee shirts and faded bathing trunks, appeared lacking in backbone or mettle.

42. It is in the treatment of the upper torso that the artist really shows his mettle.

43. Agni will be donating $1,000 to Mettle Women and 100% of proceeds from online sales on International Women's Day, Monday 8 …

44. Colours of a dancer's mettle A stint in television made choreographer Lea Anderson long for the pure movement of live theatre.

45. Louis Armstrong and Bunny Berigan may have been trumpet talents of a similar mettle but there the resemblance stopped.

46. Durability test type: whole vehicle test/bench ageing test/none (1)

47. However, Tom proved his mettle at the battles of Waynesboro, Dinwiddie Courthouse, and Five Forks, and was Brevetted quickly to major

48. Alce™ Sample Test 2011 Test Booklet

49. Alternative dynamometer test (Alternative to track test)

50. Alternative dynamometer test (alternative to track test)

51. Ensuring mutual acceptance of test procedures and test results among the test houses;

52. The Biomarker can be a lab test, an imaging test or a clinical test

53. Test surface: This test is conducted on a road test surface affording good adhesion.

54. Clonus test - Upper motor neuron lesion test.

55. Test cross: All test crosses are Backcrosses

56. Function test device based on unit test case reuse and function test method therefor

57. 23 Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

58. Tightness test ( opening and closing test, emergency opening and closing test ) for cargo hatch cover.

59. Autopilot integrative test system can accomplish the component test and the system combine test, which are stipulated in the test precis.

60. A related test is the Alp isoenzyme test.


62. Cps test stands for Click-Per-Second test

63. Addition of test compound and preparation for test

64. Test probe and manufacturing method for test probe

65. Bechdel Test The Bechdel Test is a popular way …

66. Basic data entry test, similar to ProveIt Alphanumeric test

67. Monitoring downtime of test and first test pass yield.

68. age of test animals when inserted into test vessels.

69. Father’s Test

70. Test drive.

71. Printer Test

72. Test accelerators

73. Test sequence

74. · Aerosol Flammability Test (AFT) which consists of the Single Can Fireball Test and the Pan Fire Test.

75. Adventuresome Sentence Examples Her whimsical and Adventuresome spirit puts her so much on her mettle that she makes rather a poor subject for the psychological experimenter

76. Agglutination test

77. Added Ambivalent Sexism Test in German: Ambivalenter-Sexismus-Test; Added Rorschach Test in German: Rorschachtest; January 23

78. A Colorimetric test is a test which forms a color

79. actual test mass (including tare) of the container-under-test

80. Test type V — durability test procedure with full distance accumulation