messrs. in English

used as a title to refer formally to more than one man simultaneously, or in names of companies.
Messrs. Sotheby

Use "messrs." in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "messrs." from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "messrs.", or refer to the context using the word "messrs." in the English Dictionary.

1. Messrs. Edwards & Bro. produced this product.

2. For specific statements a previous compendium of Messrs. Gabo could be consulted.

3. Prosecution solicitors, Messrs Greene and Cowper, had done their groundwork well.

4. The repairs were to be done by Messrs Clegg & Sons of Balham.

5. Argy bargy - Ricochet This week on the UK’s Fastest Growing Podcast™ Messrs

6. " Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and... "

7. Thankfully, Messrs Grossman and Rossi - Hansberg have a more felicitous phrase: " trade in tasks ".

8. The prospect of a full-blown auction for Cogeco is dim, given that Messrs.

9. Uniform Title Canzonettas, voice, piano, 2nd set Imprint London : Printed & sold for Messrs

10. On 26 April 1792 it was agreed that Messrs Howell and Russell should build the stables for £8

11. I cannot allow the remarks made by Messrs Fortt and Wyre to remain unchallenged.

12. It is sobering to recall that Messrs Henderson, Cartledge and Bukovsky narrowly lost the debate.

13. Brougham had gotten tired of driving around a one-horse, two-wheel chariot and visited Messrs

14. Messrs. van Kooten and Abbot point to the divergent fates of the sea otter and beaver.

15. Risking severe punishment, Messrs. McCain and Day in the prison courtyard to use as a splint.

16. On 16 September 1874, the governor granted a 17-year general mining concession to Messrs. Dupin and Allemand.

17. Scroggins and Payne, Messrs, debt collectors and employers of Captain Helves, who abscond with part of their funds.

18. Messrs Bazy and Gille have declined to comment on whether they discussed the document's contents with Mr Peyrelevade.

19. Enclosed is a sight draft for & 5 on messrs. robert & amp ; sons , which clear off our indebtedness to you.

20. But nobody at Westminster in recent days has failed to notice Messrs Clarke and Heseltine looking very pleased with themselves.

21. We tarried awhile to watch Messrs Anderson and Rowe perform doughty deeds with caber and shot on a pleasant summers day.

22. Whatever Messrs Mondale, Foot and Kinnock said about raising taxes in the 1980s, they were going to be beaten anyway.

23. he remaining facts of Messrs. Alisher and Bobonyoz Safarov's case presented by the second author are identical to those described in paragraphs # and

24. This confusion , plus the abrupt appearance of Messrs . Saleh and Latif , suggests that the race to fill the position of strongman has begun .

25. Thanks to the humanistic sensibilities of Messrs. Hewlett and Packard, HP also demonstrated a new type of management technique(, one that placed a premium on the workers and their happiness.

26. I take pleasure in Apprising you that I have determined to transfer to you the sum of £150,000, which now stands available for this purpose on the books of Messrs

27. Unimétal ° Société française des aciers longs SA, whose registered office is in Rombas (France), represented by Antoine Winckler, of the Paris Bar, and Caroline Levi, of the Brussels Bar, with an address for service in Luxembourg at the Chambers of Messrs Elvinger & Hoss, 15 Côte d' Eich,

28. Although uncertain as to the degree of Mr. Fry's impairment neither of them took measures in advance of the meeting to ascertain its severity. When Mrs. Fry met Messrs. Harris and Westhaver at the door, she accompanied them to the small basement office.

29. —'Ihe defence Arguev that the plaintiffs were not the holders of the cheque, though admit- that a cheque is a negotiable instrument, but in this case the cheque was sent for a racial purpose,but as Messrs Law were going to apply it to another, the sender stopped pay- …

30. By application lodged on 10 December 2001, the appellant, together with Messrs Abdirisak Aden, Abdulaziz Ali and Ahmed Yusuf, brought an action before the Court of First Instance against the Council and the Commission, claiming inter alia that that Court should annul Regulations Nos 2062/2001 and 467/2001.