metacarpals in English

any of the five bones of the hand.
There are eight carpal bones in the wrist, five metacarpals , and 14 nonsesamoid bones that comprise the phalanges.
    metacarpal bone

Use "metacarpals" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "metacarpals" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "metacarpals", or refer to the context using the word "metacarpals" in the English Dictionary.

1. MetaCarpals – There are five metaCarpals, each one related to a digit

2. Hand Bones : Carpals, MetaCarpals & Phalanges

3. The metaCarpals together are referred to …

4. Originally numbering five, metaCarpals in many mammals have undergone much change and reduction during evolution

5. Medical definition of Carpale: a carpal bone; especially : one of the distal series articulating with the metacarpals.

6. People sometimes confuse the metaCarpals and Carpals of the hand with the metatarsals and tarsals of the foot

7. The metacarpals for the middle and ring finger are the least likely to require surgery because the other intact metacarpals on both sides form a natural splint that keeps the broken metacarpal fragments from displacing, rotating, or Angulating too much.

8. The metaCarpals are long bones within the hand that are connected to the Carpals, or wrist bones, and to the phalanges, or finger bones

9. The Carpals are joined with the metaCarpals via the carpometacarpal ligaments AIDS IN MOVEMENT; The vertical movement includes flexion and extension

10. Carpale (plural carpalia) ( anatomy ) One of the bones or cartilages of the carpus , especially one of the series articulating with the metacarpals

11. Cursorial carnivorans are characterized by distal elongation of the forelimb (high BI), elongate metacarpals and metatarsals (low MANUS, high PES), smaller humeral and femoral epicondyles (low HEI

12. Carpals: Shortl bones in hand near wrist: MetaCarpals: Miniture long bones in the hand: Tarsals: Short bones in the foot: Calcaneus: Heal bone: Sacrum: Fused vertebraes at the bottom of the spine: Coccyx: Tail bone: Zygomatic: Cheek bone: Mandible: Jaw bone: Maxilla: Bone that holds upper teeth: Frontal: Forehead: Occipital: Back of the head

13. As nouns the difference between carpule and Carpale is that carpule is a type of ampule or cartridge containing liquid medication to be inserted using a syringe it is often a tube with a puncturable cap on one end and a sliding plug on the other end while Carpale is (anatomy) one of the bones or cartilages of the carpus, especially one of the series articulating with the metacarpals.