maria theresa in English

( 1717–80 ) , archduchess of Austria; queen of Hungary and Bohemia 1740–80. The daughter of Emperor Charles VI, she succeeded to the Habsburg dominions in 1740 by virtue of the Pragmatic Sanction. Her accession triggered the War of the Austrian Succession (1740–48), which led in turn to the Seven Years War (1756–63).

Use "maria theresa" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maria theresa" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maria theresa", or refer to the context using the word "maria theresa" in the English Dictionary.

1. Instead, he died of smallpox in 1723, which upset Maria Theresa.

2. The Absolutist, Joseph II (1780–90), who succeeded Maria Theresa, failed in his reforms

3. Her mother, Maria Theresa, died after giving birth to her only younger sister Archduchess Amalie Theresa who died with their mother in 1807.

4. He entered the priesthood nevertheless and became through the influence of Cardinal Bonzi almoner to Maria Theresa , queen of Louis XIV , and after her death, to the king himself.

5. MARIA THERESA (1 717-1780), Archduchess of Austria, queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and wife of the Holy Roman emperor Francis was born at Vienna on the 13th of May 1717.

6. The circumstances of the death of Maria Theresa, the Queen's mother, in the interval which divided the two Accouchements, and Her Majesty's anguish, and refusal to see any but De Lamballe and De

7. This may be observed in bullion coins such as the Canadian Gold Maple Leaf, the South African Krugerrand, the American Gold Eagle, or even the silver Maria Theresa thaler (Austria) and the Libertad (Mexico).

8. In computer science, an Automaton is an abstract machine that can serve as a model of computation.: He spoke in the tone one might fancy a speaking Automaton to enounce its single words.: In the late 1700s, a performer-cum-scientist in the court of Maria Theresa displayed a wooden Automaton seated at a gear-filled cabinet.: The camera pans right to left, over the mechanical cymbals, et cetera