mainstreamed in English

bring (something) into the mainstream.
vegetarianism has been mainstreamed

Use "mainstreamed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mainstreamed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mainstreamed", or refer to the context using the word "mainstreamed" in the English Dictionary.

1. The recession has mainstreamed the burgeoning gig economy.

2. Migration should be mainstreamed in the development process and remittance costs reduced.

3. The Meeting recommended that paralegal advisory services programmes be mainstreamed into criminal justice systems.

4. The Meeting recommended that paralegal advisory services programmes be mainstreamed into criminal justice systems

5. Quite a while ago Clayton Christensen of Harvard has mainstreamed the term "disruptive innovations".

6. At national level, Member States could consider complementary options to promote a mainstreamed approach to accessibility:

7. - Conduct gender impact assessment of selected policy areas, which have not up to now been gender mainstreamed.

8. The rest was an amazing story. Sara adapted to her home life and flourished in mainstreamed classrooms.

9. Civic-mindedness, democracy, tolerance, gender equality and sexual education topics are mainstreamed in various subjects taught in schools.

10. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school career. while others can be mainstreamed into conventional Jewish schools.

11. Understanding how to teach the mainstreamed special learner is of paramount concern to the teacher who must do it.

12. Born a preemie on January 19 he overcame a learning disability and was mainstreamed into a regular classroom by the third grade.

13. Confucianism was one of the most mainstreamed thoughts, and its systematic views on value played an important role in regulating the social orders at that time.

14. The idea is for the disability perspective to be mainstreamed into Swedish society as a whole and not be confined to the health care and social services sector.

15. It is of utmost importance to build a harmonious society during urbanization to lead peasant-workers to be mainstreamed into the cities they live in to do jobs.

16. The goals are to manage tigers as a single metapopulation, the dispersal of which between core refuges can help maintain genetic, demographic, and ecological integrity, and to ensure that species and habitat conservation becomes mainstreamed into the rural development agenda.