maitreya in English

the Buddha who will appear in the future.

Use "maitreya" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maitreya" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maitreya", or refer to the context using the word "maitreya" in the English Dictionary.

1. Maitreya means one with benevolence.

2. So that encouraged him, and he went with Maitreya.

3. And Maitreya says, "I was with you.

4. Again, no vision of Maitreya after nine years.

5. To show respect for his guru, Maitreya has a stupa on his forehead.

6. The temple of Maitreya (disassembled in 1938) is an example of the Tibeto-Mongolian architecture.

7. And he meditated for three years and he did not see the future Buddha Maitreya.

8. I'm a useless person and there's no Buddha, no Maitreya, and everything is all hopeless.

9. Maitreya then took him to a certain heaven, which is the typical way a Buddhist myth unfolds.

10. And so he took the Maitreya -- it shrunk into a globe, a ball -- took him on his shoulder.

11. At 71 metres (233 ft) tall, the statue depicts a seated Maitreya Buddha with his hands resting on his knees.

12. Maitreya [all] Kalhene [all] Slink [Hourglass , Physique] Comes with both Female and Boy Bulge pants! HUD with:-20 denim textures

13. And Maitreya then kept him in heaven for five years, dictating to him five complicated tomes of the methodology of how you cultivate compassion.

14. In addition, there is a statue of Skanda (a high ranking heavenly general and defender of Buddhist law) with his back to the Maitreya statue.

15. The great Maitreya Buddha is more than 27 meters tall and is similar in style to the great Buddhas that once lined the cliffs of Bamiyan, Afghanistan.

16. The most important celestial Bodhisattvas are Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of compassion; Manjusri, the bodhisattva of wisdom, and Maitreya, who in heaven awaits birth as the next buddha

17. Temple grounds (Hoa Long Vien) has a dragon length of 49 m, the dragon enclosure is made of 12,000 beer bottles, and the dragon mouth covers the Maitreya Buddha.

18. The early idea of a series of Buddhas in time, first 7 and later 24, soon allowed for the idea of a future buddha Maitreya, whose cult became popular throughout the Buddhist world.

19. The first large hall in the temple complex is known as "The Hall of Heavenly Kings," where a statue of the Maitreya, known in China as the laughing Buddha, is the main deity located in the hall's front.

20. And, as The New Encyclopædia Britannica notes, “even as unmessianic a religion as Buddhism has produced the belief, among Mahāyāna groups, in the future Buddha Maitreya who would descend from his heavenly abode and bring the faithful to paradise.”

21. But on the edge of town, one elderly lady, a charwoman in the charnel ground, saw a jeweled foot on a jeweled lotus on his shoulder and then the dog, but she saw the jewel foot of the Maitreya, and she offered a flower.