magnetic north in English

the direction in which the north end of a compass needle or other freely suspended magnet will point in response to the earth's magnetic field. It deviates from true north over time and from place to place because the earth's magnetic poles are not fixed in relation to its axis.
There had been hopes that the variation of the compass - the angle between the directions of magnetic north and true north - might do the trick, since it was known to vary with position on the earth.

Use "magnetic north" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "magnetic north" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "magnetic north", or refer to the context using the word "magnetic north" in the English Dictionary.

1. 8 A compass needle points to the magnetic north pole.

2. 7 The compass needle points to the magnetic north pole.

3. Magnetic Compasses point to magnetic north instead of the geographic North Pole

4. A compass shows you magnetic North, somewhere in the middle of Canada

5. (The needle will point to the nearby magnet because it interferes with magnetic north.)

6. This photogram was taken at the magnetic North Pole... in Svalbard... kingdom of the ice bears.

7. 21 The flow of a magnetic field is taken from magnetic north pole to magnetic south pole.

8. Azimuths may be referenced to true North, to magnetic North, to an azimuth taken from plans, or from an assumed direction

9. 23 Two people standing at distant points on the globe would have completely different ideas about where the magnetic north pole lay.

10. The magnetic north ( actually south ) pole and south ( actually north ) pole are an electromagnet caused by swirling convection currents in the earth's liquid iron outer core.

11. The Astrocompass was mainly used to determine magnetic variation in the angular difference between an aircraft’s bearing to the magnetic North Pole and the geographic North Pole

12. In the beginnings of the 20th century a gyrocompass (Astrocompass) the non magnetic compass which was invented in order to determine the true north not the magnetic north

13. How to NAvigate With a Map and Compass: Alright, so everyone knows a few fundamentals of navigation- north is always up, the sun rises in the east, and compasses usually point towards magnetic north

14. Azimuthsto Gild N True North: 4>.4l1 Magnetic North: 6.31 Strength: 47M1.9snTj DipAngle: 59.991 Date: 10/2512019 Model: IGRF2015 Toconvert aMagneticDi Tb convertaMagneticDirer 1bconvert aTrueDiracti mtoaOrtd Direction.Add 6 59- id a True Direction.Add 7.00* East aGrid Direction

15. From Azimuths to bearings and back again Bearings shown in red with Azimuths in Compass Scale: Azimuths & Bearings The Compass: Magnetic Declination Magnetic North does NOT coincide w/ True North Declinations are constantly moving 2013: Seattle / Kenmore decl