followeth in English


follow, go after, obey (Archaic)

Use "followeth" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "followeth" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "followeth", or refer to the context using the word "followeth" in the English Dictionary.

1. Pity Befouleth April, Pity is the root and the spring; Now if no fayre creature followeth me It is on account of Pity, It is on account that Pity forbideth them slaye

2. Xxx compleynt I hearde upon a day, Artemis singing, Artemis, ArtemIs Agaynst Pity lifted her wall PIty causeth the forests to fall, PIty slayeth my nymphs, PIty spareth so many an evu thing PIty Befouleth AprIl, PIty 15 the root al1d the spring Now If no fayre creature followeth me It IS on account of PIty, It IS on account that Pity forbldetll

3. Liber B sugar one quart bottell of strong licuor and a paer of Childerens yel low first hose and the wife of James Lee asked James lee her hous band whether hee had prouided for too Childeren who answeared I hee had and further sayeth not: Whearupon the Plantiue Craued a Jury which was granted whose Names are as followeth Robert Robins Robert