lupines in English

a plant of the pea family, with deeply divided leaves and tall, colorful, tapering spikes of flowers.
The slugs also preferred the leaves of lucerne, white clover and lupins , to the wheat plants.

Use "lupines" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lupines" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lupines", or refer to the context using the word "lupines" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bluebonnet, any of several North American lupines (Lupinus) of the pea family (Fabaceae)

2. Lupines, mountain ash, cinquefoils, Arnicas, pearly everlastings and grass-of-parnassus also make their debut in early Summer

3. We saw many wildflowers along the trail: Jeffrey’s shooting stars, penstemons, lupines, paintbrushes, snow douglasia, early blue violet, red columbines, Arnicas, etc

4. Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne (alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets:

5. 12.14 || || Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne (alfalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, vetches and similar forage products, whether or not in the form of pellets. || || || || || || ||

6. Visitors will see gorgeous blue lupines, penstemons, bluebells, and forget-me-nots; yellow alpine buttercups, daisies, owl’s clovers, and monkey flowers; red paintbrush and skyrockets; and white columbines, Bistorts, Jacob’s ladder, and yarrow, as well as many other native flowers including the unique Elephanthead lousewort.