flow of energy in English

process of natural resources being used by one creature and later returned to the environment to be used by another creature (ex: water or nutrients)

Use "flow of energy" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flow of energy" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flow of energy", or refer to the context using the word "flow of energy" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bioenergetics (or Bio-E) is the study of the flow of energy in living systems within specialized cellular compartments called ‘Mitochondria’

2. Construct a model to illustrate the flow of energy through a Calorimetry experiment and relate the model to what happens in cells

3. Bioenergetics is the scientific study concerned with the flow of energy among organisms at cellular level and is based upon the principles of biochemistry and molecular biology

4. Bioenergetics is a multidisciplinary health system that focuses on the flow of energy throughout cells in the body. It focuses on energy transformations and energy exchanges within and between living things and their environments

5. Bioenergetics and the Origin of Biological Complexity In a thermodynamically isolated system, complex structures decay toward randomness. However, in nonequilibrium systems, the flow of energy through the system generates and sustains structural complexity, and nonhomogeneous structures embody information (4, 5).

6. And our analyses indicate that fish simply copying other fish in their social network could account for over 60 percent of the algae eaten by the fish community, and thus could be critical to the flow of energy and resources through coral reef ecosystems.

7. (Cana dian Oxfo rd Dictionary) biodive rsity, biological div ersity - The variety of life, from gen es a nd s pec ies to comm unities, ecosystems, functions and pro cesse s (Protecting Cana da’s Endan gered Sp aces, H um m el, 1995) conservation -The im plem entation of me asures for the rational use, m aintenance, and reh abilitation or restoration of natural resources (Pa rks C anada b ulletin) ecosystem - an eco system is a co m m unity of organ ism s an d their non-living environm ent. F und am enta l to the system is the flow of energy via food chains and the cycling of nutrients. eco logical integrity - "An ecosystem has integ rity when it is deem ed characteristic for its natu ral region, including the com position and abund ance of na tive species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting proc ess es."