litharge in English

lead monoxide, especially a red form used as a pigment and in glass and ceramics.
The ore, which ran to 25 percent silver, was melted in a small clay or stone furnace called a guaira or wayra, using lead oxide ( litharge ) as a flux.

Use "litharge" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "litharge" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "litharge", or refer to the context using the word "litharge" in the English Dictionary.

1. Litharge itself has been used as a stabilizer.

2. Metallic lead was demanded in quantity for silver cupellation, and the resulting litharge could be used directly by glassmakers.

3. According to Probert, "silver ore, litharge (crude lead oxide) flux and charcoal were mixed and smelted in very small clay and stone furnaces.

4. This method involves using the glacial acetic acid as a catalyst, adding the litharge in aqueous medium and adding a quantity of oil of vitriol to yield lead sulfate.

5. (#55) "Cerements" The fifth story is told by a 'prentice' from the necropolis Litharge, a city devoted to the practice of various methods of burial, derived from multiple cultures

6. As Cupellation proceeds and the lead button becomes smaller, concentric rings of feathers deposit within the original ring., However at all times the temperature should be high enough so that there is a clear area between the button and the feathers, otherwise there is danger that a pool of litharge will form immediately around the button