firing loophole in English

small opening in a fortified position through which a weapon can be fired on the enemy

Use "firing loophole" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "firing loophole" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "firing loophole", or refer to the context using the word "firing loophole" in the English Dictionary.

1. There ought to be a loophole.

2. 4 There was, indeed, one possible loophole.

3. 5 Many abusers have escaped through this loophole.

4. Political parties anonymous donation 'loophole' Criticised

5. 1 Every law has a loophole.

6. Stop firing!

7. 2 A good lawyer can always find a loophole.

8. Firing sequence aborted.

9. Firing and chanting.

10. But when it comes to escaping gravity, there’s a loophole.

11. 15 Otherwise, an IPO would constitute a giant tax loophole.

12. 23 A rational Congress would move quickly to close the gun show loophole.

13. 13 This was a fluke, a one-time loophole that has been plugged.

14. An electric pottery kiln bisque firing is the first firing before glazing.

15. 24 Approximately one dozen employees took advantage of this remarkable tax loophole.

16. 3 The loophole has allowed hundreds of drink-drivers to avoid prosecution.

17. The new alpha firing angle is provided as the initial alpha firing angle and a new alpha firing angle is calculated.

18. 6 The head of Job Anderson , the boatswain, appeared at the middle loophole.

19. Semi-automatic firing mechanism.

20. Method for adjusting the excess air coefficient on a firing apparatus, and firing apparatus

21. 11 Various ways of using this loophole are under current investigation.

22. 7 This legal loophole has proven lucrative for the farm giants.

23. Unlock the tactical firing trigger.

24. Mount one, commence firing.

25. Firing abates, Abated, has Abated