life in symbiosis in English

lifestyle of two creatures that live in partnership so that each is dependent upon the other for survival

Use "life in symbiosis" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "life in symbiosis" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "life in symbiosis", or refer to the context using the word "life in symbiosis" in the English Dictionary.

1. True symbiosis.

2. (See also Animals; Biodiversity; Biomimetics; Bionics; Cells; Creation; DNA [Deoxyribonucleic Acid]; Evolution; Genetics; Life; Plants; Protein; Symbiosis)

3. This mushroom exists in symbiosis with the roots.

4. Coevolution can occur in helpful ways (symbiosis) and in harmful ways (parasitism)

5. Are you familiar with the word symbiosis?

6. Using the symbiosis theory in biology, we divide financing symbiosis relationships into two types, commensalism and mutualism, and analyze the formation mechanism of these relationships.

7. She imagined us living in a perfect mother and daughter symbiosis.

8. And the symbiosis is not limited to working hours.

9. In this cooperative activity, which is called symbiosis, both parties receive benefits.

10. There is a symbiosis between large and small.

11. Nowhere is that symbiosis better expressed than in the medieval towns and villages.

12. One might almost speak of a complex symbiosis of different elements in society.

13. The song that almost reaches the sound of symbiosis.

14. In effect, a cultural symbiosis forms between fanciful, driven club owners and inveterate clubgoers.

15. The birds live in symbiosis with the cattle, picking insects from their skin to eat.

16. Their activities provided unprecedented detail on structures and molecules implicated in the symbiosis process.

17. The step from predation to this symbiosis is a short one.

18. Yet to a large extent it was a question of symbiosis.

19. An eerie symbiosis of human and machine effort is also starting to evolve.

20. So if you want to improve human-computer symbiosis, what can you do?

21. Nothing reveals the originality and spirit of a people better than this astonishing symbiosis.

22. The conflict between mind and machine might be resolved at last in the eternal truce of complete symbiosis....

23. Despite these differences between Convention law and Community law they possess a certain symbiosis.

24. Raisins and walnuts form a symbiosis that makes an indelible mark on so many recipes.

25. Vocal and instrumental timbres: symbiosis Curiously, the timbre of an instrument always resembles vocal timbre.