life story in English

story of one's entire life, history of a life, chapter of a life, portion of a life

Use "life story" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "life story" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "life story", or refer to the context using the word "life story" in the English Dictionary.

1. Alcuin's biography and life story

2. She told them her life story.

3. He had filmed her life story.

4. The film is based on a real-life story.

5. 3 Life Story —A Poor Start— A Rich Ending

6. The life story of Canadian singing sensation Aline Dieu.

7. Must be the hero of my own life story.

8. She insisted on telling me her whole life story .

9. The novel was based on a true life story.

10. His platform is his life story and his political career.

11. He wanted to have his life story told on film.

12. 13 Life Story —We Experienced God’s Undeserved Kindness in Many Ways

13. His life story is recounted in two fascinating volumes of autobiography.

14. And a man who has no life story cannot be trusted.

15. A humanist Celebrant gets to know the life story of the person

16. Lea Lazega’s life story, in the book “Managing Bubbie,” is truly remarkable

17. Leonard Smith’s life story appeared in The Watchtower of April 15, 2012.

18. After a couple of brandies Michael started telling me his life story.

19. 13 Life Story —I Have Been Blessed to Work With Spiritual Men

20. Several movie studios are dickering for the rights to her life story.

21. See their life story in the November 1, 1979, issue of The Watchtower.

22. 13 Ernest Hemingway fans are no strangers to revisions of his life story.

23. Auget is above all a life story & the meeting of 2 people

24. The newspaper has been running his life story for the past two weeks.

25. Guy-Francis is a Captivating speaker with an uncommon and inspiring life story

26. Television companies are racing to be the first to screen his life story.

27. Major newspapers and national magazines will be telling and retelling his life story.

28. Listening to his life story is akin to reading a good adventure novel.

29. His life story could have come straight from one of his classic blues songs.

30. In season five, Caroline sells her life story to a film producer for $250,000.

31. He is working on his life story, ambitiously planned as a 50-volume work.

32. For the life story of Brother and Sister Abt, see The Watchtower of April 15, 1980.

33. See the life story of Elsa Abt in The Watchtower, April 15, 1980, pages 12-15.

34. Your life story would not make a good book. Don't even try. Fran Lebowitz 

35. Sometimes, historical Biopics stretch the truth and tell a life story with varying degrees of accuracy.

36. Brother Frost’s exciting life story was published in The Watchtower of April 15, 1961, pages 244-249.

37. He told the Colonel his life story between puffed lips, chipped teeth, and the Colonel was amused.

38. 25 This is the time to make up for the imprecision of the life story in Step

39. The guy I was sitting next to on the plane insisted on telling me his life story.

40. What does Autobiography mean? The definition of an Autobiography is someone's life story written by that person

41. The last time you sat me next to Alberto I had to hear his whole life story!

42. She reinvented her own life story, skipping over the war years when she had a German lover.

43. Chroma SLU is the perfect place to paint your life story upon South Lake Union’s rich historic tradition

44. And I realized some songs were more important in paralleling my life story than I thought they were.

45. In that binder I discovered the beginning of a life story my grandmother had written 30 years before.

46. 20 She reinvented her own life story, skipping over the war years when she had a German lover.

47. 13 One dear elderly sister gave her life story the telltale title “Single and Happy as a Pioneer.”

48. We present his life story and links to his works in the Niels Henrik Abel section of this website.

49. Unlike a profile or curriculum vitae (résumé), a Biography presents a subject's life story, highlighting various

50. Using an Autobiography format outline is a good way to stay on track as you write out your life story