libertarianism in English

an extreme laissez-faire political philosophy advocating only minimal state intervention in the lives of citizens.
Having said that, it is important not to exaggerate the popularity of libertarianism , or its political influence.

Use "libertarianism" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "libertarianism" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "libertarianism", or refer to the context using the word "libertarianism" in the English Dictionary.

1. What does the rise of libertarianism portend for the future of the US?

2. John Locke is both a supporter and detractor from the theory of Libertarianism.

3. Their libertarianism was more aesthetic than political, an Assertionof personal autonomy against repressive philistinism.

4. But it’s a fundamentally Antidemocratic idea that has more in common with libertarianism than egalitarian politics

5. Chicagoan Libertarianism is a kind of libertarian, economically moderately right to far-right, and culturally neutral but sometimes left-leaning political ideology.

6. 6 Niederhoffer's Junto is more casual, but he takes libertarianism seriously, considering it to be a natural complement to speculating.

7. Purists argued that celibacy and spinsterhood were positive acts of self-determination, in contrast to the illusory freedom of libertarianism.

8. He summarizes libertarianism, the meritocratic system, and the egalitarian theory. This leads to a discussion of the fairness of pay differentials in today's society.

9. No, all along, the vein Ron and Rand Paul tapped into wasn’t rational libertarianism or principled dissatisfaction with the Republican Party, but mere sour, snide, irreligious Contemptuousness

10. I prefer “social Anarchy” as that is the most accurate, though, also, tend to state “left-libertarianism”, as “social Anarchy”, along with “libertarian socialism”, is confusing to people & needs extra, excessive explanation, often bewildering people