figure it out in English

calculate, work out, solve; understand, grasp, comprehend

Use "figure it out" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "figure it out" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "figure it out", or refer to the context using the word "figure it out" in the English Dictionary.

1. We'll figure it out later.

2. And I started trying to figure it out.

3. We can actually figure it out using really basic signal processing.

4. Whatever they were actually making here, I can't figure it out.

5. If I really wanted something, I had to figure it out on my ow

6. I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin'quarnyx battery, so figure it out!

7. And we dropped off tablets with no instructions and let the children figure it out.

8. then you can go about the process of trying to fix it and figure it out.

9. Feynman decided, as a sort of amateur helium physicist, that he would try to figure it out.

10. If you are an aeroplane pilot , try to figure it out ; it is still an unsolved mystery .

11. What this means is that, in large measure, you’re going to have to figure it out for yourself.

12. Welcome to Awks, the podcast for recent grads just tryna figure it out one awkward moment at a time

13. The Beepings could mean some hardware inside isn't plugged in correctly/loose, you'd have to open it up to figure it out

14. Without an Aficionado to lead them through the process of building the robot, the science students were forced to figure it out themselves

15. Sourabh’s Bicoastal marketing venture is FIG or out—a play on “figure it out,” which embodies the company’s ingenuity and outside the box thinking

16. Engaging Anglos in the process as opposed to having them figure it out and fend for themselves – that can make real difference in someone’s life.

17. ‘I hope it is, because otherwise, Aargh, where to start?’ ‘There is an important difference in status between fan fiction and canon, but I can't quite figure it out… Aargh.’ ‘Our loss: £200,000 and counting

18. ‘This Abulia is really getting to me, I can't figure it out.’ ‘This self should be free from mental and physical stigmata (suggestibility, amnesia, aboulia, anesthesia, etc.), which commonly characterize the disintegrated states making up multiple personality.’

19. Assuming the reports are true that most of the crowds that attended were already Rodney Howard-Browne Brainwashees, and there were between 2000 to 3000 attending each night with the exception of the night Carman was there, you figure it out.

20. I might be able to figure it out exactly from context, but without it, this is my guess: "Begot" means "conceived," "merry" may refer to illicit (but joyful) sex, so merry-Begot may mean illegitimate.

21. ‘This Abulia is really getting to me, I can't figure it out.’ ‘This self should be free from mental and physical stigmata (suggestibility, amnesia, aboulia, anesthesia, etc.), which commonly characterize the disintegrated states making up multiple personality.’ ‘Among the animal tests Skinner reported upon were some that induced