later in the day in English

at a later time of the day

Use "later in the day" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "later in the day" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "later in the day", or refer to the context using the word "later in the day" in the English Dictionary.

1. The weather got very bad later in the day.

2. The outbreaks of rain will die out later in the day.

3. Later in the day, two disciples were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus.

4. Isolated showers will give way to more generalized rain later in the day.

5. Later in the day the squadron flew twenty-one supply flights, losing four aircraft.

6. In Mekinock, farther to the east and south, inundation comes later in the day.

7. 10 Isolated showers will give way to more generalized rain later in the day.

8. By adjusting their schedule, many Witnesses now pursue the search later in the day, perhaps following Christian meetings.

9. Whether you're experiencing it first thing in the morning or later in the day, a Bloated belly is never fun

10. Carb Backloading is a carb-restrictive approach that encourages you to eat all of your carbs later in the day

11. That the Assistant Manager emerged later in the day at the same door similarly disoriented is not in doubt either.

12. The thick wall stores the heat via its thermal capacity Biggishness and releases slowly later in the day aka decrement delay

13. The presence of Altocumulus clouds on a warm and humid summer morning is commonly followed by thunderstorms later in the day.

14. The female poodle (which doesn't belong to Marie) is walked sometime later in the day than Beggare (who is a male)

15. 11 That the Assistant Manager emerged later in the day at the same door similarly disoriented is not in doubt either.

16. For the Drummond family, Easter Brunch happens a little later in the day—after the kids get Easter baskets (yes, they still get them

17. 3 If discussing the text in the morning is not practical, you might consider it as a family later in the day, perhaps during the evening meal.

18. Reports are due out later in the day on factory orders and pending home sales that are expected to also provide additional evidence of a mixed economy.

19. Coffee later in the day also disrupts our sleep cycles, which continues the vicious cycle of waking up feeling unrested and needing that cup of joe to wake yourself up.

20. Typically a Bris will be held in the morning because Jewish tradition says that one should be eager to perform a mitzvah (as opposed to leaving it until later in the day)

21. Later in the day, the RBA left interest rates unchanged at 75% as was expected, but the less than usual hawkish tone out of the central bank helped weaken the currency to session lows near 0

22. Part 8 of the 2010 HBO miniseries The Pacific, produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, includes part of the Battle of Iwo Jima from the point of view of John Basilone from the beginning of the invasion until his death later in the day.