laconia in English

a modern department and an ancient region of Greece, in the southeastern Peloponnese. Throughout the classical period the region was dominated by its capital, Sparta.

Use "laconia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "laconia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "laconia", or refer to the context using the word "laconia" in the English Dictionary.

1. T-Bones of Laconia* 1182 Union Ave Laconia, NH 03246 (603) 528-7800

2. Please send or drop off your gift to Laconia Congregational Church, 18 Veterans Square, Laconia, NH 03246

3. Ancient Greek city-state, capital of Laconia and chief city of the Peloponnese .

4. The earliest inhabitants of Laconia, according to tradition, were the Autochthonous Leleges

5. Arna is a Village in Farida in Laconia in the Peloponnese Region of Greece

6. He won three American Motorcycle Association (AMA) nationals between 1946 and 1950, including the prestigious Laconia Classic 100 Mile road race in 1948.

7. The Achaean kingdom fell before the incoming Dorians, and throughout the classical period the history of Laconia is that of its capital Sparta (q.v.).

8. Latin caryatides, plural, from Greek karyatides priestesses of Artemis at Caryae, Caryatids, from Karyai Caryae in Laconia Learn More about caryatid Time Traveler for …

9. [From Latin Caryātides, Caryatids, from Greek Karuātides, priestesses of Artemis at Caryae, Caryatids, from Karuai, Caryae, a village of Laconia in southern Greece with a

10. Latin Caryatides, plural, from Greek karyatides priestesses of Artemis at Caryae, caryatids, from Karyai Caryae in Laconia Learn More about caryatid Time Traveler for …

11. ‘In 224 Antigonus marched south, organized his allies into a Hellenic League under Macedonian presidency, restored Achaean influence in Arcadia and in 222 invaded Laconia.’

12. Word Origin mid 16th cent.: via French and Italian from Latin Caryatides, from Greek karuatides, plural of karuatis ‘priestess of Artemis at Caryae’, from Karuai (Caryae) in Laconia (a modern department and ancient region of Greece).

13. Chersonese Sentence Examples In 455 Tolmides ravaged Laconia and secured Naupactus on the Corinthian gulf; in 4544 Pericles himself defeated the Sicyonians, and made a descent upon Oeniadae at the mouth of the gulf, and in 453 conducted a cleruchy to the Thracian Chersonese.

14. In 1907, the sanctuary of Athena "of the Brazen House" (Chalkioikos) was located on the acropolis immediately above the theatre, and though the actual temple is almost completely destroyed, the site has produced the longest extant archaic inscription of Laconia, numerous bronze nails and plates, and a considerable number of votive offerings.

15. Caryatid (n.) "carved, robed female figure used as a column," 1560s, from French cariatide, from Latin Caryatides, from Greek Karyatides (singular Karyatis) "priestesses of Artemis at Caryae" (Greek Karyai), a town in Laconia where dance festivals were held in Artemis' temple.Male figures in a like situation are Atlantes, plural of Atlas.Related: Caryatic.