issue a newspaper in English

publish a newspape

Use "issue a newspaper" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "issue a newspaper" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "issue a newspaper", or refer to the context using the word "issue a newspaper" in the English Dictionary.

1. We fully intend to issue a writ against the newspaper.

2. Back number definition: A back number of a magazine or newspaper is the same as a → back issue

3. The 1989 issue of the Oxford English Dictionary lists the word Boilersuit first on 28 October 1928 in the Sunday Express newspaper

4. He was carrying a newspaper.

5. "The Daily Herald's institutional Alphabetist bias is revealed in an admission in today's issue confessing that the newspaper sequences opposing candidates in …

6. Tom wraps a book in a newspaper.

7. Byline Times is a monthly newspaper

8. A bi-weekly newspaper for women.

9. A bi - weekly newspaper for women.

10. Abortion is not a theological issue: it is a human issue, it is a medical issue.

11. I bought a newspaper written in English.

12. I'll nip out and buy a newspaper.

13. There's a newspaper kiosk in the station.

14. She fanned her face with a newspaper.

15. He bought a copy from a newspaper vendor.

16. Cracow's proximity to Russia makes it a convenient place from which Russian publishers can issue books and periodicals for circulation in Russia, where permission to found a newspaper is difficult to obtain

17. The ‘Daily Telegraph’ is a Broadsheet newspaper

18. This newspaper is just a Republican mouthpiece.

19. He swatted the mosquito with a newspaper.

20. A Sunday newspaper hack uncovered the story.

21. Newspaper editor C.

22. The format of the newspaper Boxscore is determined by the traditional division of a newspaper page into columns

23. The classic example is a wide-circulation newspaper, with the Broadsheet size being preferred by many newspaper publishers.

24. He issued a writ against the newspaper.

25. Is this a newspaper office or a kangaroo court?