reiterates in English

say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity.
she reiterated that the administration would remain steadfast in its support
synonyms:repeatsay againrestateretellrecapitulatego over (and over)rehearse

Use "reiterates" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "reiterates" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "reiterates", or refer to the context using the word "reiterates" in the English Dictionary.

1. Afc Executive Committee reiterates commitment to deliver 2021 competitions

2. The sixth paragraph reiterates the price and availability facts.

3. Clinton reiterates she won't run in 2020, but is 'not going anywhere'

4. The Movement reiterates its long-standing position regarding the absolute validity of multilateralism.

5. Does not change the existing Bylaw provisions, but merely clarifies and reiterates their application

6. As those recommendations remain largely unimplemented, OHCHR reiterates them, broadening their scope and adding additional ones.

7. Reiterates its request to the Commissioner-General to proceed with the modernization of the archives of the Agency;

8. The Commission reiterates its commitment to take national Parliaments’ contributions received during the pre-legislative phase into account.

9. Also reiterates that the allocation of resources should reflect fully the priorities established in the biennial programme plan;

10. America reiterates our call on Burma's military junta to release Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners.

11. In this context, the Russian Federation reiterates once again that it regards India as an influential and major member of the international community.

12. This view from Sweden reiterates the history of climate Alarmism as being rooted in the Club of Rome, Maurice Strong, and the Rockefeller dynasty

13. A report by the EFSA ( European Food Safety Authority ) in this week 's edition of the Lancet reiterates this not so well known fact .

14. However, the Committee reiterates its view that the Abacus initiative is not a long-term solution or a substitute for well-trained staff in the missions (see # para

15. “The United States reiterates that Belarusian authorities have a commitment to protect and uphold fundamental freedoms, especially those of assembly, speech, and the press,” it said in a statement

16. Indeed, he reiterates previous warnings as to the faltering capacity of even modern industrial powers to monopolize violence, let alone combat or contain terrorism, grass-roots insurgencies, and allied Belligerencies.

17. Noem reiterates South Dakota as her focus for 2024, not presidential bid "The idea that Georgia, of all places, could elect two Communists to the United States Senate was ridiculous

18. The highly-lined New Policy on the second housing reiterates the initial payment should be no less than 40% of the total price and the interest rate be strictly determined according to risk.

19. In this context, Russia welcomes India’s applications for the membership in Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Wassenaar Arrangement and reiterates its strong support for India’s earliest admission to these export control regimes.

20. Deplores the ongoing atrocities committed by the rebels, including murders, rape, abductions and detentions, calls for an end to all such acts and reiterates its call for the cessation of all attacks on civilians;

21. The writer to the Hebrews reiterates, warning the Hebrews to worship God with reverence and awe “for our God is a Consuming fire.” There is nothing mysterious about the Hebrew and Greek words translated “Consuming fire.”

22. Paul reiterates his point: “On this account take up the complete suit of armor from God, that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have done all things thoroughly, to stand firm.”

23. Clarkson reiterates that she's been writing songs since her teens, but rather than argue over labels or abilities, the two reached a détente—she would co-write half the album, with the other half being penned by other songwriters and producers.

24. The Committee reiterates its previous recommendations (CCPR/C/HKG/CO/2, para. 15) that Hong Kong, China, review its policies and practices regarding the right of abode in accordance with its obligations with regard to the right of families and children to protection under articles 23 and 24 of the Covenant.

25. founder and art director of the independent Ilkhom Theatre, in Tashkent on 9 September 2007, and of the journalist and critic of the Uzbek regime Alisher Saipov in the Kirgiz city of Osh on 24 October 2007; reiterates its call for the immediate release of political prisoners; welcomes the abolition of death penalty;

26. It should be noted (see 2.6 above) that the Community provisions on this are not yet applied everywhere. The Committee reiterates that the proposal to differentiate between categories 3 and 4 is motivated solely by commercial interests, and encourages non-reporting of suspect cases, with all the aforementioned consequences this has for public health.

27. Reiterates its invitation to Governments to take a leading role in implementing the activities of the Decade of Action, while fostering multisectoral collaboration that includes the efforts of academia, the private sector, professional associations, non-governmental organizations, civil society, including the national Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, victims’ organizations, youth organizations, and the media;

28. Calls for a transformation of European industry through a European sustainable industrial policy geared towards the creation of sustainable jobs and the amelioration of resource efficiency and resource use; believes that the sustainable development of European industry requires intensive dialogue with employees and workers; reiterates that this transition will require measures to help workers make the transition towards a new environmentally sustainable economy;

29. Affirming the principle of the interdependence and indivisibility of all human rights, and that all economic, social and cultural rights are justiciable, the Committee reiterates its previous recommendation (see paragraph 21 of its 1997 concluding observations) and strongly recommends that the State party re-examine the matter of incorporation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in domestic law.

30. Reiterates its support for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism and its appreciation of the UPR’s valuable work, and calls on members to actively prepare their UPR, including by involving civil society, to engage in the interactive dialogue during the UPR session and in the debates on the adoption of the UPR outcomes, to implement the UPR recommendations and to take concrete measures to improve and uphold the fulfilment of their human rights obligations;

31. “The Security Council reiterates its deep concern at the continuing Israeli violations of Lebanese air space, appeals to all parties concerned to respect the cessation of hostilities and the Blue Line in its entirety, to refrain from any act of provocation, and to abide scrupulously by their obligation to respect the safety of the UNIFIL and other United Nations personnel, including by avoiding any course of action which endangers United Nations personnel and by ensuring UNIFIL is accorded full freedom of movement throughout its area of operation.

32. Reiterates that in its above-mentioned resolution of 8 April 2003 it called on the Committee of the Regions immediately to commission a detailed, full and independent audit, to be carried out by a recognised external institution — preferably the European Court of Auditors — on the Committee's overall budget implementation, as well as the financial and administrative management, taking the view that the audit should examine, ‘inter alia’, the areas listed above and attest to the sound financial management of the institution, and should be delivered to the discharge authority as soon as possible in order for it to be able to consider the final discharge decision for 2001;

33. Welcomes the setting-up of the Sakharov Network, as announced on the 20th anniversary of the Sakharov Prize; believes that it should quickly decide on its operating arrangements and put in place the resources necessary to achieve its objectives; reiterates its demand that all winners of the Sakharov Prize and, in particular, Aung San Suu Kyi, Oswaldo José Payá Sardiñas, the Cuban collective Damas de Blanco and Hu Jia be given access to the European institutions; deplores the absence of any significant response to the EU's calls made to the Chinese, Burmese and Cuban authorities to respect fundamental freedoms, especially freedom of expression and political association;

34. The Ministers expressed their support to the position of the Government of Lebanon which calls on the international community for the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701(2006) and to put an end to the ongoing Israeli violations to this resolution and to the continuous threats and acts of espionage it is exercising against Lebanon; and which reiterates Lebanon’s demand based on this resolution, for a permanent cease-fire and to adhere to the Truce Agreement, as provided for in the Taef agreement , also demanded Israel to compensate Lebanon for the damage it has inflicted as a result of its obsessive aggression upon it, and to release the prisoners and return the bodies of martyrs.