ingesting in English

take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing or absorbing it.
Frugivorous vertebrates ingest fruits and the seeds within, later defecating the seeds.

Use "ingesting" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ingesting" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ingesting", or refer to the context using the word "ingesting" in the English Dictionary.

1. Neoplasms in rats ingesting acrylonitrile for two years.

2. While smoking tobacco is dangerous, ingesting it in other ways, like Chewing …

3. He discovered that ingesting large amounts of liver seemed to cure the disease.

4. Synonyms for Chowing include putting away, eating, consuming, ingesting, devouring, bolting, gobbling, wolfing, shifting and swallowing

5. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea have been reported after ingesting canned food containing 200 mg/kg of tin.

6. How Marijuana is Consumed There are four main methods of ingesting marijuana: inhalation, oral, sublingual, and topical

7. The book The Sensitive Gut answers: “Genuine allergic reactions . . . occur within minutes of ingesting an offending food.

8. Louis Concocted this specific sauce, ingesting same, gathering strength, courage, endurance and wit to wrastle 1,000 pound bears

9. Severe cases are usually caused by ingesting the allergen, but some people experience a severe reaction upon contact.

10. Hepatitis A spreads by ingesting the hepatitis A virus (HAV) and passing it along to others by contact with infected stool

11. Ingesting Bicarbonates and magnesium with water is the simplest way to achieve an ideal pH balance in the body

12. As an edible plant, there appears to be minimal risk associated with ingesting Cleavers or placing it on the skin

13. The pharynx of Anthozoans (ingesting as well as egesting food) leads to the gastrovascular cavity, which is divided by mesenteries.

14. In Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, the author correctly dismisses the idea of mongooses ingesting herbs to combat poison as old folklore.

15. However, ingesting a radioactive alpha source can cause much damage in the organism, because they are then irradiating living cells.

16. People with argyria develop blue-grey skin, usually through ingesting significant amounts of Colloidal silver, but sometimes on areas that have been treated topically.

17. A 39-year-old female patient presented with an intense allergic reaction and shock after ingesting sunflower seeds and simultaneously acetylsalicylic acid (ASA).

18. The accursed books tell us plainly that ingesting a priorly married prospective bride's former primary mate's brains will ensure a happy second marriage.

19. Handling a Cricket or coming into contact with its waste can cause painful skin sores, and ingesting food exposed to Cricket feces can cause …

20. Biomagnification of POPs occurs as they move up the food chain when predators consume prey, ingesting the POPs that have bioaccumulated in each prey item

21. Afflictions are in-game status effects that you can contract through various means; the most common of which being ingesting flooding water while drowning in it

22. The importation, manufacture, and use of plastic bags have been banned in order to protect the lives of marine and land animals, which can die after ingesting them.

23. As yet, there is insufficient published research to confirm that ingesting xAnthine provides the same tear-producing effect, though preliminary studies seem to suggest that it does.

24. In August 1983, a group of twenty-five people in Monterey County, California became suddenly ill by ingesting elderberry juice pressed from fresh, uncooked Sambucus mexicana berries, leaves, and stems.

25. The Aver Analytics solution identifies bundle opportunities by ingesting claims data and filtering the data through a library of value-based healthcare methodologies that Aver maintains in its system

26. Ingesting ash may be harmful to livestock, causing abrasion of the teeth, and in cases of high fluorine content, fluorine poisoning (toxic at levels of >100 μg/g) for grazing animals.

27. Crusted drugs A term used to define the way one feels the morning after a night of smoking, eating, or by any means ingesting cannabis (Similar to what a hangover is for alcohol)

28. It takes between 12 hours and 5 days for a person to show symptoms after ingesting contaminated food or water (2).Cholera affects both children and adults and can kill within hours if untreated.

29. Bucket The Bucket or the Bucket bong (or even gravity bong) is a very widely used smoking device in my part of the world (South West England) it is an extremely potent method of ingesting pot or grass …

30. Binging Ball allows the user to release small floating spheres with mouths from their body.[2]These spheres can be used as projectiles, moving at very high speeds.[1]The spheres are also capable of ingesting materials, such as ice shards.[3]

31. The Connector can be used for ingesting principals into Amazon Kendra in near real time to implement use cases like expert search, equipment search, and location search or to provide early-binding security trimming in conjunction with custom data sources

32. The adhering to severe negative effects are occasionally stated: Beclouded vision, fainting, breakout, hoarseness, adjustments in shade vision, calling in ears, construction that lasts longer compared to 4 hrs, lightheadedness, unexpected decrease or reduction of hearing, difficulty breathing or ingesting, puffinessing of the face, and hives.

33. ‘Raccoons may be cute, but many of them carry raccoon roundworm, an Ascarid that can infect children.’ ‘Roundworms, also know as Ascarids, are transmitted from mothers to nursing kittens or through the cat ingesting eggs or other hosts (such as mice) that are infected with the eggs.’

34. 1 Description 1.1 Weaknesses 2 Usage 3 References 4 External Links 5 Site Navigation BloodCurdle allows Chizome to temporarily paralyze an opponent by ingesting samples of their blood.1 Chizome only requires his tongue to make contact with a small amount of a person's blood, regardless of where and

35. Tell your healthcare carrier if you create hives, dark tinted pee, rash, itching, unusual wounding or bleeding, confusion, hoarseness, fever, blisters or peeling off skin, flu-like signs, Beclouded vision, difficulty breathing or ingesting, yellowing of the skin or eyes, loss of appetite, or extreme fatigue.

36. I mean, if a female doesn't choose a particular male, or if she has the ability to store sperm and she simply has enough, then it makes more sense for her to spend her time doing other biologically relevant things: avoiding predators, taking care of offspring, gathering and ingesting food.

37. ‘Raccoons may be cute, but many of them carry raccoon roundworm, an Ascarid that can infect children.’ ‘Roundworms, also know as Ascarids, are transmitted from mothers to nursing kittens or through the cat ingesting eggs or other hosts (such as mice) that are infected with the eggs.’

38. You have to be worried if you get hoarseness, flu-like symptoms, blisters or peeling off skin, confusion, extreme exhaustion, uncommon Blemishing or bleeding, fever, dark colored urine, itching, problem breathing or ingesting, masked eyesight, yellowing of the skin or eyes, breakout, hives, or loss of appetite, as those are most substantial side impacts of Cymbalta that need to be stated.